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A/N: I am in love with this song!

"Mom!?" Tyler's mouth fell agape. His mother, the only person he trusted his whole life, who threw him out for being himself, was now standing in front of him, acting as if nothing had happened.

"Tyler!" A overly cheerful voice came behind her. Tyler instantly recognized the voice as one of brothers.

He looked behind her and was greatly surprised when he saw his dad and siblings. He blinked a few times, trying not to accept the image before him.

He made eye contact with his sister and she smiled sympathetically. This was the first time she was seeing her older brother for years and he looked great. Better than ever. He smiled back quickly, but faded when his mother spoke.

"Tyler, we missed you so much." She attempted to hug her "long lost" son, but he resisted and pushed her away.

"What-why are you here!?" He motioned to all of them. "How did you find me?" He took a step back when his mother tried to grab his hand. Again.

"What?" Jay defended. "Are we not allowed to visit our brother on Christmas?"

"NO! You all rejected me and left me on the streets!" Tyler's eyes glossed over and he struggled to fight back the tears from spilling. His whole life, he had been afraid of them finding him and yet. here they are. "What in the world made you think I wanted to ever see you!?"

His mother grabbed his hand and instantly, memories filled his mind of all the yelling and abuse he took years ago. "DON'T TOUCH ME!"

The restaurant door swung opened behind him, revealing a worried and confused man, looking for his other half. (Cheesy?) Tyler immediately rips his arm away from his mothers grip.

"Tyler?" Tyler turned around and saw Josh behind his teary eyes. Josh's expression immediately turned from worried to concerned. "Baby, what's wrong?"

Tyler turned back to his family, then back to Josh and threw his arms around his boyfriends neck, before weeping on his shoulder.

"Hey, shh. It's okay." Josh looked up over Tyler's shoulder and saw a group of strangers watching him. "What did you do?"

They stood there silently, staring at the two who horror written on their faces. Madison looked to her feet and scratched her arm. That must be his boyfriend.  She smiled a little at the though.


"J-Josh." Tyler whimpered.

"Yes, baby?"

"L-leave them alo-alone. C-can we go-go home?"

"Josh? Tyler?"

Behind, Laura and her family were outside as well, hearing the commotion and going out to investigate, before the owners of the place kicked them all out and call the police.

  Both families, face to face and they didn't even know it. Tyler knew it.

"Is everything alright? Who are these people?" Jordan nodded his head toward the Joseph family.

"I don't know. I came out here and Tyler was upset about something." Josh replies, stroking Tyler's tangled hair.

"Come on Tyler, we're going home." Kelly ripped her son from the crazy colored, haired strangers grip. To Kelly, he looked like he was part of a gang  and she didn't like her son in his arms. Colored hair. Gauges. Piercings. Tattoos. Yep, definitely part of a gang.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!" Josh demanded, taking Tyler back in his arms protectively. Tyler whimpered as the pain struck up and down his arms from being yanked around. 

In Love With A Stripper (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now