Prologue:Gemini's backstory

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My name is Gemma Ravegroove and my name is Minnie Ravegroove and we are apart of the Ravegroove family. People have thought of us as just pretty girls execpt one thing that they didn't know was we wanted to botanists and study plants. When we were six we went with to a science museum to see the plant exhibits and learn all about the plants and trees that help us breath air so as the day went on we went through all the plant exhibits. After that we had a chance to play a game to see who grew the largest plant which we would so win but by the time we got our turn these men with lab coats came up to us and just threw us over their shoulders and started to walk off right out of the museum. That was the last time we saw anyone we knew after that the next thing was the threw us in a white car of some kind then the doors closed and the men drove off. The drive carried on and the whole Time we looked out the Windows wondering what are these guys going to do us and what kind of monsters are they and why were we taken by them. The ride got done with and they opened the doors and threw us over their shoulders again and carried us down to a cell and slammed it shut and one of them yelled"go to bed you got tests in the morning". We fell asleep that night the next morning the men came to our cell grabbed us and dragged us to a room and tied us to a table and injected a light blue serum into us and started testing us and that went on for the next ten years until one day our cell was busted right open and these two boys jus grabbed us and started running out of the place. When we got out they let us go and they ran off somewhere north and then we were rescued and we never saw them again and we got home ready to get life back to normal.

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