A Long Voyage

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1 July 1784

I can't believe it. I am actually on a ship, ready to sail to, of all places, France! This is like a dream come true. Ever since I was a child, I'd hoped of one day seeing the wonders of Europe. The stories my father would tell of this wonderful land, filled with sublime scenery, extravagant buildings, I can hardly contain my joy! I can only imagine what wonders I'll experience.

But, I must contain my excitement. I am here on important business, and I must not let myself be distracted by these daydreams. Oh but how? How can I contain myself, when I am to meet the great Benjamin Franklin? Political matters or not, these are people of enormous magnitude, and I have astonishing pleasure to meet them! This is nothing short of unimaginable. But, I digress. As I've just been informed by the captain, there is still a month 'til we arrive, and my impatience will surely temper in that time.

4 July 1784

There is something in the air, I can smell it. Is... is it the scent of freedom? I feel a surge of excitement as I recall that eight years ago, I wrote the Declaration of Independence. Looking at the rolling waves, it's hard to believe that we are free. But I'm ready to face whatever awaits me in France. As I had feared, my joy has waned and I've become quite bored in this lonesome ship. Only four days have passed and what little conversation I've conducted with the other traveler's have already bored me. I've even stooped to talking with Sally Hemmings who, I daresay, has entertained me with intriguing chat.

But after a while, I again lost interest. Instead, I've been jotting down a few weather reports. The climate in the Atlantic is truly fascinating and I plan on comparing it to that of Monticello's. As interesting as this has all been, I'm still quite anxious to arrive at our destination. Not only do I have to create trade agreements between Spain, France, and other countries, but I also have to arrange an agreement with Great Britain, King George III specifically. I don't look forward to that...

July 21 1784

For crying out loud! Can't this bloody ship go any faster? I've been waiting for weeks, eating scraps of meat and sour lemons and drinking putrid water. How much more can I endure? It's been so lonely and I'm beginning to miss Monticello. At least the weather's clear, and the captain say we should be there within the week. Time could not go by any slower...

August 1 1784

We have arrived! At long last, my wait is finally over! Tears of joy threatened to burst forth as our ship finally docked on land. Oh dirt, beautiful dirt, how I have missed you so! I couldn't get off that boat faster if we'd been invaded by pirates. Finally, I could breathe fresh air, untainted by the salty sea and the stench of drunken sailors. I quickly gather my things and head out. It is nearly dusk, and I must find a place to rest immediately.


Following the directions I was given by Congress, I rode a carriage and finally found the Hôtel de Langeac in Paris, France. I paid the customary amount, letting the innkeeper know that I would be staying for a while. As the new Minister to France, I was given a large room where I could make myself at home. It's quite cozy and I've already set up my belongings. But still, it's much too large for me, and quite isolated. I'll probably head out and explore the city in the morning. Anyways, herein begin my adventures in France. Who knows what wonders lie in store for me? I guess I can only wait and see...

Yours truly,
Thomas Jefferson

Alright, I'm sort of satisfied with this (who am I kidding, I will never be satisfied). I decided to a journal sort of thing, but I don't think I'm going to do that all the time. I'm thinking more whenever Jefferson is alone, I'll go off of his viewpoint and whenever Thomas and Angelica are together, I'll do 3rd person. And don't worry, we'll meet Angelica soon :P

Also, you guys may have noticed that Thomas' manner of writing is pretty... well, formal. I did this on purpose because, although this is fictional, I want it to feel historical. Also, Thomas was a very proud and elegant person and he paid a lot of attention to his diction. I plan on making him talk more casually with Angelica, which will emphasize their intimacy better.

So yeah, I guess this is officially my first chapter of fanfic I've ever written. Not sure if this is too short, but I'll try to make them longer in the future. I might set up a schedule when I figure out how fast I can write this.

Anyways, thanks for reading, feedback is greatly appreciated. Like, anything at all. Should I be more descriptive? Is the journal style too boring? Anything at all helps. Thanks, and have a good day everyone :)

-Jay 🎶

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