Chapter One

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Author's Note: I'm sorry for the ***SUPREME*** wait. When I started this book, it was because the idea belonged to Lilly, or UnicornTalesLol and I didn't really have many ideas for it, considering she just chucked the idea at me and requested I wrote it. I got her to explain some details and her original plot, so now I have some idea to what the heck I'm doing.

~Locked Within~

Dick Grayson's life was perfect. He loved his life and he loved his parents. He loved performing on the high stage, defying gravity's orders, flipping and twisting in ways so many others couldn't.

He loved looking up at his parent's faces, seeing their smile and seeing how happy they were. Dick loved it. He felt so much happiness knowing he could make others smile as well.

But he also felt guilty.

As much as he loved his parents, he hated lying to them. He was always lying to them. It frustrated him to no end, but he feared what they would do if they ever found out about him being Robin. Would they fear for his safety and make him stop? Would they be proud? Would they hate him for him lying?

"I tripped during practice."

"I messed up my routine."


Honestly, his excuses were getting ridiculous and everyone could tell that. He was hiding something and it upset his parents that their own son couldn't tell them what he was doing.

Dick only felt his guilt grow throughout time. He truly did love his parents and he despised lying to them all the time, but yet... He couldn't bring himself to tell them the truth.

Perhaps it was better for everyone around him if he continued to keep his secret, without anyone knowing - somewhere where he could suffer his emotional torment in silence, where no one could hear his pained screams.

~~~Locked Within~~~

Robin jumped onto another rooftop, making sure to fully regain his balance before continuing. He stopped when he reached the ledge, choosing to peer over the gleaming city from above. His cape rustled in the strong winds, due to the height of the building he was on top of. Robin took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air of Central City. The Flash's city. He sat down on the edge, dangling his legs off the building as he did so.

"So you finally showed up in my city, huh?" A voice asked behind Robin. Robin opened his eyes but didn't turn around to acknowledge the person.

"Well, it was bound to happen eventually." Robin replied, still not turning to acknowledge the Flash.

"Why are you always changing cities?" Flash asked, walking towards the ledge Robin occupied.

"I don't see the point in staying in one place, it's boring. Besides, I can do more good if I don't stay in one place. They'll find me easier if I stay in one place anyways." Robin explained, allowing himself to slip. He knew he needed help, but that didn't mean he was just going to go running to the league, begging for their help. He could handle the situation as it was now, but Robin knew they were getting impatient and he could only avoid them for a certain amount of time before they truly set after him.

"Who is they? What are you hiding?" Flash asked, narrowing his eyes at the boy.

"I'm not hiding anything. I'm the one who is hiding." Robin stated, pulling himself to stand up. Robin could practically hear the gears clicking in Flash's head as he pulled himself to stand up. Robin looked at the lights gleaming back at him. The air felt so fresh, making him feel so free. He always loved that feeling.

By this time, Robin was fairly sure he could smell smoke coming from Flash's brain. He grinned at the thought. Finally, Flash spoke up.

"You're running from someone." Flash stated, looking up. Robin turned his head around, a small, sad smile on his face as he did so. "Who?" Flash asked, feeling an odd sense of pity for the boy already. Now that he actually thought about it, he had only heard of the boy doing good. He hadn't heard of a single crime being committed by him. He'd help people and then disappear again, reappearing elsewhere only to repeat the cycle. Flash frowned.

Robin turned back towards the city, his masked eyes narrowing slightly. He chose to ignore Flash's questions. That was enough hints for now. If the League decided they wanted to help him, then they would, but if they didn't, well... He'd be on his own to fight against his own personal hell and demons.

He looked forward to it.

"You have a nice city here." Robin stated, his cape blowing softly in the wind. Flash blinked, confused to why he had suddenly changed the topic.

"Wait, you didn't answer my-" Flash started, reaching a hand out, only to be cut off by Robin.

"Take good care of it." Before Flash could even react, Robin jumped from the roof. With a cry of surprise, Flash sped to the edge, nervously looking for the boy, only to see he had already disappeared. Flash blinked. How was that even possible? It had barely even been two seconds since he jumped...

He heard a creepy cackle echo around him. Flash spun around, wondering where the hell it was coming from. Now that was creepy...

~Locked Within~

Robin quickly shuffled back into his casual clothes, hiding his Robin outfit in his bag.

He peered around the edge of a tent to check if anybody else was around. Sensing no movement or life (something which was certainly unusual for a circus), Dick Grayson ran from his spot in the darkness, sneaking through the circus grounds. 

He had been doing pretty well in remaining unseen, even being able to avoid several other performers with ease and stick strictly to the shadows. He felt pretty smug with himself, that was, until he turned around to come face to face with his somewhat-angry mom. He let out a yell of surprise, jumping a mile into the air in pure fear before his back crashed with the wall and he hissed in pain. As if he wasn't already hurting...

Dick rubbed the back of his head, muttering censored profanities to himself. After a couple of seconds, he turned back to face his mom, a sheepish look on his face. Although, anyone who was able to see through his mask would have seen the curiosity and guilt. How the hell had she snuck up on him of all people?

Perhaps not only his acrobatic skills were inherited by his parents, but also their secret ninja skills...

(I'm not actually sure what Robin called his mom since I can't remember, but I think he called his dad 'Tati' or something. I'm just gonna go with mom and dad in this story because he's more grown up and better with English and such...)

"Mom! Where did you come from?" Dick asked, staring up at his mother. She had her hands on her hips, staring at him sternly.

"Dick Grayson, where have you been?" She demanded. "You missed practice and you've been gone for several hours!" She moved her hands from her hips, instead crossing her arms. Instantly, the guilt set in, making its home in Dick's heart.

He sighed, looking down. "I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to skip practice but I just got caught up in sight seeing the area and then I got lost... Again." He muttered. It wasn't completely a lie. He had been sight seeing!

From the roofs...

His mother sighed, her stern look depleting and her arms falling to the side. "It's fine, Dick. Next time, just please give us a warning. Me and your father were very worried about you." She placed her hands on Dick's shoulder, giving his shoulders a slight squeeze and a small smile. "Please don't make us worry like that again." She muttered.

Robin nodded, his own smile appearing on his face. Although the guilt in his heart only grew.

"Sorry Mom, next time I'll make sure to tell you before I go sightseeing." He muttered, giving a slight nod. 

"Thank you, Dick. Now, come on, dinner's getting cold." His mom smiled. Dick nodded enthusiastically.

"What's for dinner?!"

~Locked Within~

Sorry for any mistakes. I hope this chapter is alright! ^-^

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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