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I love this girl to death!!! she makes me laugh when I'm down and she can piss me off in two seconds. but I still love her!!

I met her about 6 years ago, she cut my hair in math class because she thought it was pretty.

anyways fast forward and we are still super close. She is the funniest most annoying person I have ever met. we have gone trough everything together from boyfriends to car crashes to losing loved ones. she keeps my spirits high and I don't know where I would be without her.

she makes me feel loved when I know the world hates me, she takes me with her every where she goes. She tells me I'm her travel bug, you know the ones that get caught on your winsheild sometimes? Well that's what I am to her XD

but anyways, I love you buddy and we will grow old and saggy together and we will be happy old saggy people :p

T.JTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon