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I was glad to have Kristie back for the 2011 Women's World Cup,I think we have a chance this year,anyway I'm Sydney Leroux a.k.a Syd to my teammates. I'm waiting for Kristie to arrive from Boston so me and her can hang out until the Boston and Seattle game on Saturday,I keep checking the clock it's 11:28 and her plane lands at 11:30 so I take a seat next to this old man that seems to be taking a liking to me and leans over and says "hi,are you waiting for someone"? I look over and say "yea...how did you know"? He smiles and says "because your glancing at the clock like a mad women" I chuckle as he gets up and walks to the bathroom. It's 11:30 and I get up and stare at the terminal until I catch a glimpse of blonde hair but it's not Kristie it's an older women that for her age can run like a 20 year old because she sprints over to the older man and winks at me while they're hugging, I'm still staring at the tunnel when I see a younger man with black hair then a whole swarm of people,it's 11:35 know and still no Kristie. I sit back down and glance over at the smoothie place in the airport,I'm about to go get one  but then I see her Kristie Mewis, as she's getting her bag I run up to her and give her a hug from behind and she turns,then I see them those blue eyes but they don't have their sparkle but they do have something else tears big globbing tears forming in her eyes,she returns the hug and says into my ear "Syd I'm so glad I'm here with you" I hug her tighter then we pull away so we can head to my house.

When we pull up in my driveway I stop her from getting out of the car right away by grabbing her arm and saying "Kris what's wrong"? She looks at me new tears starting to form "nothing Syd" I narrow my gaze at her and say "Kristie I'm pretty sure I know you better than anyone on this planet..that includes Sam" she stares at me and tears slip down from the sapphires she calls her eyes and says "it was 2 weeks before I came here from Boston,so I decided to go out to the club with a few teammates before I left..I swear I was only there for 20 minutes and I was already drunk off my ass,I met a guy..a one night stand and in the morning when I woke up he was gone...then this morning.." I stopped her right there "Kris did you take one yet"? She quickly turns her head to me,looks me in the eyes and says "Syd I could barely think about being pregnant let alone know I was pregnant or not pregnant" I bring her into a hug then help her get her bags out of my trunk and bring them into the house. When she gets settled I bring her out a pregnancy tests and say "Kris you should know as soon as possible" Kristie looks at me like I'm crazy but grabs it out of my hand and says "thanks Syd" I nod at her then follow her to the bathroom so if she needs emotional support I can be there for her,she stops at the door of my downstairs bathroom then looks at me,I nod to her and she opens the door slowly,now all we do is wait.

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