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Kristie had been in the bathroom for almost 10 minutes and frankly I'm getting worried,I know nothing happened but still I'm her best friend. Then the door unlocks and Kristie opens it with tears streaming down from her beautiful blue eyes and the mascara she had on is smeared all over her face,she looks at me and shows me the stick...it had 2 lines...2 lines what does two lines mean,then I look at her again and realize my best friend is pregnant. I envelope her in a hug and we both cry her more than me,Kristie breaks it by saying "Syd I can't take care of a baby I'm only 21" I look at her and say "Kristie I'm here for you..you have 22 other people there for you to you know that right"? Kristie just walks over to the couch and puts her head in her hands and says "no Syd I can't,I don't want to" I look at her,never in my life have I ever heard Kristie Mewis give up,"Kristie what are you going to do about it..I mean your already knocked up"! She glares at me,stands and says "Syd I'm not fit to take care of a baby I just got my life on track and.." "and what Kristie..look you have a great support system,yeah your young and yeah you might not be the most fit or right to have a little one but your Kristie Mewis". That stops her and I move closer,Kristie says calmer this time "Syd I just got my life on track.." I stand maybe 2 inches away from her "Kris I know you can do it" Kristie closes the gap but instead of her giving me a hug I put my lips on hers and my hands go to her back..Kristie doesn't pull back and her hands go to my neck,I move my hands to her butt and lift her up a moan escaping Kristie's lips when I squeeze. We stay like that until I feel like my arms and legs are going to break so I lay her down on my couch "Kris.." I pull back but she puts her arms around my waist and says "Syd...don't get up" I smile and cuddle with her while we watch White Chicks laughing at the funny parts in a comfortable silence the rest of the time,until Kristie quickly gets up and sprints to the bathroom,I follow her lifting her hair up when she hurls what look like her lunch into my toilet. When she finishes she lays her head back on my bathtub and says "Syd you don't have to be in here" I kneel and say into her ear "I know". She cries into my shoulder and says "thanks Syd".

Since Kristie's moment earlier was over me and her are cuddling on the couch,just staring at each other when Kristie says "Syd what am I going to do"? I smile at her while tucking a piece of blonde hair behind her ear "Kris what do you mean" she thinks a minute then says "Syd I'm not going to be able to play soccer while I have a baby inside me and that's how I make money"! I can tell she's panicking so I grab around her waist,pull her closer to me and say "just stay with me..I mean what was I thinking when I was buying a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house"? She smiles and says "Syd I can't..you don't have to pity me.." I peck her lips and say "I'm not pitying you" she laughs at me and says "okay Syd I'll give you 2 weeks tops then your going to get tried of me" I smile again and say "I'll never get tired of you". Kristie's breathe catches in her throat and jolts up and sprints to the bathroom again...I follow her again

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