Bruises and Band-aids

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To A, who reads like a philosopher, and thinks like a future world-changer.    

Max walked out the garage door. She was completely pissed of from what happened in the kitchen. She walked out just in time. The other two were just starting to get on their bikes. She walked over to her skateboard in the corner of the garage. As she was getting ready, she started talking to Isadora. 

"There's something up with your brother." she said roughly. "What do you mean?" Isadora asked. "He's not himself, he's acting like a  stuck-up jerk!" she answered. "What happened to the cool guy who used to want to talk to us?" Max emphasized on the "want" as if she really cared . As she was looking at Isadora with a longing look in her eyes. "I heard he's been "studying" with that new girl, Bree." Lizzie added. "Well it's turned him into a real buttmunch lately!" Max snarled as she rode off.

 Isadora knew she had to have the last word. She had to! She saw that Max was still in earshot so she yelled "That's disgusting. Max!" 

In the distance we can hear Max yelling "Just sayin'!" And with that Lizzie takes off. 

All there's left is Isadora and Alex. Isadora is still looking in the distance. Alex looks confidently at Isadora, and says in a quiet, quivering voice, "I drank all of it." Isadora now looks over to Alex. She is confused. She asks "Huh?" And Alex says again in that same quiet, quivering voice, "Your smoothie,(a quick pause) I drank it all. Isadora nods. They stay there, in an awkward pause. Isadora looks over in the distance again. "See you tomorrow." she squeaks out. And with that she rides off. The lock on the garage door creaks. Isadora looks back, startled. She walks inside and slams the door.

The girls are now riding fast down a suburban neighborhood. Lizzie veers off the track as she yells "Good night, ladies!" Max smiles at her and yells back "Bye, buttmunch!" Lizzie yells back "Screw you!" and Max returns the favor by yelling back "Screw you, too!" 

Alex and Max look at each other momentarily. They veer towards a boy who is also on a skateboard. He is not paying attention either. Both groups soon realize this error, as Max bumps into the boy. CRASH! The boy is pissed off at the gesture. He picks himself up as he is about to talk to them. "What the he-! Are you okay?" He asks Max. Her ankle is hurt. This is easy to tell, seeing that her own dislocated bone has cut her flesh. She is bleeding uncontrollably and is quickly getting paler and paler. They boy takes off his flannel over-shirt as he wraps it around her injured ankle.

 Seeing that the girls are actually pretty close to Isadora's house they take off for it. Lizzie is watching this from her lawn. The boy helps Max up. His arms are balancing her head and the bend of her knees. As he does so, she wraps her arms around his neck. The boy speaks to Max. His breath is shakey. She looks into his eyes, one amber and one violet. "Sorry for the improper introduction!" "My name is Tristan."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2016 ⏰

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