Big man in return

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I wake up to no one beside me . I wake up and go to the kitchen to see Jalen eating a pop tart with his work clothes on .
Jalen: Good morning bestie
Me: Good morning
We gave eachother a hug and I hopped on the counter .
Me: Where's your mom
Jalen: She upstairs sleep and Aleysa left
That's when Jalen almost fell like his legs were weak .
Me: Woah Jalen you ard (looking worried )
Jalen: Yeah I'm just tired (wiping his eyes)
Jalen: But I got to go to work pretty curls (playing with my hair)
Me: Ard imma head home  and stay outta trouble
Jalen: I will
We both walked out the door and then Malak came out of no were
Malak: Aye Jalen I'm going to work with you.
Jalen: ard
I gave them a hug bye and walk across the street to my house . I unlock my door and I walk in and lock the door behind me .
No response
I see a note on the fridge and I read it and it says
Dear Jadah ,
I'm going to be gone for the whole week on a work trip. I left money in the cookie jar and your pink gun. You can have company over if your lonley but no freaky stuff. Sorry I couldn't say goodbye in person . I'll see you later and I love you and stay safe
I roll my eyes as I put the note in the trash. TBH I hate when my mom leaves me bc I'm alone but I'll probably invite Aleysa over of sum . I plop on my couch as I scroll through Instagram and I see that thot from the other day. I look on her page and damn 🙄 . I see that Jalen followed her and she followed him back . I lock my phone screen and watch tv and chill
Jalen P.O.V
So me and Malak was walking to foot locker and we passed the baseketball court and we ran into big man .
Malak: Jalen he going to kill you
Jalen: I got this (putting his hands up )
Big man walked over to them and 2 other boys
Big man: Jalen Brooks nice too see you again
Jalen: Yeah (clearing his throat )
Big Man: So you owe me my money so we're is it
Jalen: Uhh I don't have it sir
Malak: Maybe we can give it to you later know ---gco
Big man: Shut up (yelling)
Big man: Imma give you until next week to have my money or
He had a basketball in his hand and squeezed it until it flattened.  Jalen and Malak looked scared from what he did
Big man: get the picture ( raising his eyebrow)
Jalen and Malak: Uh yeah yeah I got you
We walked away and went to the mall and up to footlocker. I'm worried bc I don't have any money I don't know what I'm going to do

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