Part 1- Same Old Same Old

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Same Old Same Old

The sky was clear, it seemed like there was not a star in the sky. The cold wind blasts around me, the only thing keeping me warm was my cigarette. As the smoke that exits my lips and disappears out of my sight, it made me think. Why couldn't I disappear? Why can't my life disappear like a cloud of smoke? I start to daze off into my dream world, until the cracks of the bushes from behind me.

My heart stops. It's past my curfew, and if I get caught smoking again my leaders would beat the shit out of me, again. I threw away my cigarette and I stomp it out.

"Mya! What's up?" a man softly chuckles, while walking out of the dense bushes.

"H-huh?" it took me a minute until I figured out who the man was, " is Myla to you..." I growled under my breath.

The man chuckles walking closer to me, "oh Mya..its funny that you think I care!" He smirked. I rolled my eyes, "oh honey...shut up!" I yelled, grinding my teeth together. "What did you just say to me? I'm not your honey, but you are my bitch." he growled, pushing me up onto the nearest tree. "Let go of me you ass!" I spat in his face. He dug his nails into my arms, "STOP!" (Remember no means no kids) I yelled, pushing him away from me. "Fuck you" he yelled in my face, pushing me on the ground. "I'll get my time with you...but now I have better people to do..." he yelled, as he kicked my stomach, and then stormed off. I sigh, "...I should leave this dump..." I growl getting up, and fixing my hair and clothes.

"Why leave when it's a beautiful night out?" A voice laughs, behind me. I turn around and pulled out my old pocket knife, almost slashing the guy's neck open I stop myself. "WILL! I almost fucking killed you man!" I scream at him, hitting him upside the head. "...oops..." Will smiled like a dork. "Oops, my ass..." I rolled my eyes. "Mya I'm sorry," Will sighed. "In this time of one needs to apologize anymore..." I mumble under my breath, but just loud enough that Will could hear. "Yeah I guess your right.." Will sighed, fixing his already messy ass hair. "Will...I'm always right!" I laughed awkwardly. I'm always awkward around Will, I definitely don't like him, it's just that he's so damn obvious that he likes me.

"Awe little Will and Myla sneaking out so they can fuck with out getting caught this time!" Yet another voice yelled out from behind a tree. Of course it was Shay. Only Shay would follow Will out into the woods at the middle of the night...that little twerp. "SHAY!" I exclaimed, about to beat her little ass. I wasn't going to beat her up because I was embarrassed, I was going to beat her up because Will tried making a move on me three nights back. It didn't end well for him. Let's just say he got pushed on the ground, and slapped multiple times.

Shay giggled, skipping up next to us. Will was blushing madly. It was hard not to laugh in his face, but I felt bad for him. He likes my dumpy ass, that wants to kill everyone in camp. "So Will, is that why you took condoms from the CVS yesterday?" Shay spoke evilly, with a Chucky smile. "H-huh?!?! I DIDN'T DO T-THAT!" Will squeaked. "Shay leave before I stick Will's condoms up your ass...with your teddy bear that you sleep with, and imagine that it's Jake," I say as I push her back in the direction of camp.

When I look back over at Will, he was still blushing. "Will did you actually get condoms?" I giggle, waiting for what his response was going to be. "No...well...y-yes I did...B-BUT not for me," he sighed, "for Boomer. He umm...he needed them for Scarl-" I cut Will off, "to much details!" I chuckle, "man you can't keep a secret.." I shake my head. "Ha....yeah....I suck at life," he sighed looking down, still blushing madly. "Will, I won't tell...I can actually keep a secret!" I smirked.

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