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Today I got a goldfish his name is Goldy my name is Emma I am six years old.  Goldy is so cute he has big eyes and is the prettiest color of orange I have ever seen. After we bought Goldy we got him a tank, it is clear with a black lid mom let me pic out the the decorations I choose a yellow submarine and a couple neon gems.   

                  First week
Goldy is doing great he is so playful but sometimes he looks sad on Tuesday he swam to the bottom of his tank and swam up and jumped out of his tank I screamed "Mommy help!!" She came into the room and saw Goldy on the table she picked him up and put him on his tank and put on the lid. The reason the lid was off was because I was feeding him.

                        Week two
Goldys cage is covered in green goopy stuff on the rocks and sides of his tank. I can barely see him through his tank it is so gross!. Mom cleaned his tank right when she got home. Now it is so clean I can see everything and I swear I saw the tank sparkle when mom was done. Since mom cleaned the tank "Maybe I
Should clean Goldy". I brought him into the bathroom I plugged the sink and filled it with hot water. I grab Goldy out of his tank and put him in "I forgot to get the washcloth!" I go into my room and grab it when I went into the bathroom Goldy looked like he was playing dead his eyes where shut and everything "He is silly!" . I put him back in his tank he floats to the bottom "his dead, Mommy!" She comes up and sees Goldy looks at me and I'm just balling she gives me a hug. "Hunny maybe it was just his time" she says softly "it's all my fault!!" I practically scream. "Don't say that sweetheart!" She says "But it is I gave him a bath in hot water!" I say " we can get you another fish" she says "No it won't be the same." "When your done saying goodbye come down for supper k?" She says softly. All I say is "Goodbye Goldy I love you" I kissed the tank and went downstairs. That is the story of Goldy the goldfish THE END.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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