i am so happy right now

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So i was done jumping i went in the kitchen a text roc i bit my lip and thought

Future bae - hey bae my cutie zonnique

Trap queen zonnique- well i am offical a solo singer now

Future bae- well that good i have to go now love you 💋❤

Trap queen zonnique- :-) good night babe and i love you 💋❤😘

So i took a 10mins shower and bruah my teeth i put on a shirt that say zonnique pullins with tinker bell on it and some black shorts pants with some short socks i walk down the stairs and i start to cook a pound cake and some greens been and steak so i cut the stove off and fix me a plate and went on my phone it said ayo and teo start following you i said ugh i rolled my eyes but ayo was kinda cute but roc is my nigga so i got done and put my plate in the sink and wash dishes i went to my room and slam my door then i put my phone on the charger and next thing you know i went to sleep

So you guy i wrote 201 words love yall people tomorrow is the parade i am so glad because my cousin is in it okay bye good night know i wrote 227 now 229😂

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