Bear with me (andrewagreen)(8)

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Bear with me

Bear with me a second

Then I'll put you in the picture

Try to shed some light

Like riding a unicycle

It's easier once you start.

It's hard to get it in one take

A single umbrella term

A work station is what you'd call it

But that doesn't say it all.

It's all too neat and orderly

Somehow quite contrived.

A PC centre table

A notebook posed in front

Pen set at careful angle

Speakers either side

Mobile left of the keyboard

Not much to give a clue.

The leather bound books are a mystery

Did he buy them by the yard?

And a VHS cassette tape

Who still uses those?

It's all too neat and orderly

As dull as the room's grey walls

He writes and he dreams of a circus

But he won't leave these four walls.

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