Ch.3: Fight or Flight

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Falling asleep was like trying to tame a rabid bear, impossible. I continued to just stare at the wall or move a bit but slowly as to not make a lot of noise. It's always terrible sleeping in a strangers house, but if you pile together the events of the day, it's pretty much impossible. Not to mention that the smell of alcohol is thick in the air thanks to Tom sleeping not too far away. If I had to summarize him in one word, it's would be alcoholic.

I realized that Tom had a drinking problem the moment he got drunk and started fighting with Tord. Sure, he was drinking out of his flask throughout the day but the moment it hit 8ish was when he broke out the bottles of alcohol. He continued to mumble to himself about Tord on the couch and how ridiculous he was when the man himself entered the room. That wasn't the greatest scene ever, though I didn't see it, at least at first I didn't. Tord simply walked in for some reason that was unaware of, not to mention I hadn't even heard him enter. Upon his arrival Tom jumped up and started yelling at him like a lunatic, or so I thought.

"What gives you the right to come back and take my room huh!?" His voice was filled with outrage and I'm sure he was jabbing at Tord in the process.

"What, can't an old friend come back to see his pals?" I could practically hear the smile in his voice.

The was a growl from Tom before something was thrown across the room. By this point I wanted to whip around and tell them to stop but I'd rather avoid a drunken Tom. I slowly turned around, moving as little as possible to make it look like I was just moving in my sleep. Once I turned around I could instantly see the Amber liquid trickling down the wall and then Tord holding Tom's fist with a straight look on his face. I made sure to squint, hopefully it looked like I was still sleeping.

"Now now Tom, there is no need for that," he gave a smirk before turning his head towards me.

I swallowed hard, hoping he didn't notice I was awake. Tom looked over at me as well, squinting as if it was hard to see me....but he doesn't even have eyes!?

"Whatever," he ripped his fist free from Tord and glares at him, "but stay away from me and MY friends."

Tord smirks and shrugs before he walks away, tucking his hands back in his coat pocket. Tom grumbled to himself before walking to the couch and plopping himself down. He somehow still had a drink and took a rapid chug from the bottle. Wow, this guy could drink and if he wasn't a dick as it was already he was a bigger one when he was drunk. Sure, I don't like Tord but that doesn't give a right to full on knock him out, and him grabbing that punch is evidence enough that he's use to it.

The whole event makes my skin crawl, or well shiver but I was already doing that enough. They must never turn their air conditioning off because it was freezing underneath only my sleeping bag. It was about fall right now but it wasn't that cold yet in England, they barely even got snow here.

Eventually I did manage to pass out though, call it luck or whatever you want but it was tedious achieving it. In the night I slept soundly for about a minute before the nightmare started. I tossed and turned while i was asleep, running from the terrors in my head. I don't know what caused them, maybe stress, maybe I was scared, but it was terrifying. I must have been making a lot of noise or something because the next thing I know I'm being woken up by Tom in the middle of the night.

"Hey, you are going to wake everyone up screaming like that," his voice was hushed but there was still anger behind it.

It didn't sound like he was drunk anymore so he might already have a pounding headache. I honestly felt kind of bad, but that was before I realized my face was wet. I had been crying from my nightmare. There was a slight look of disgust on his face, pfh, I must look disgusting apparently to him. I rolled my eyes at him before quickly flipping the other way, facing the wall.

"Sorry, I'll try not to now," my voice was sarcastic and felt like someone else.

I could feel his glare in my back before hearing him mumble dick under his breath. I wasn't in the mood for that and instantly rolled back around to look at him, well his back actually. He watched his friends blow up my house and then was a complete douche about me staying here when it was the LEAST they could do.

"Look who's talking," my voice was a growl by now, no need to make it deep.

He quickly whipped around and looked at me the same way he has been looking at Tord since I met them. A look so deadly that it would have been overkill if looks could kill.

"Well I have to deal with you because Edd, Matt, and that damn commi decided to blow up your house, not me!!!!"

"Yah but you could have STOPPED them!!" I stand up by now and point at him with a glare on my face.

Instantly he steps forward and grabs my sweater, lifting me up with ease off of the ground. I was literally floating in the air and instantly regretting that I had decided to push him. I grabbed his sweater and his arm trying to get him to let me go, I was almost choking. He was certainly strong and the look on his face was anger....but was it really meant towards me?

"Its not my job to stop them.....if Tord wasn't here then it wouldn't have happened." After he spit out Tord's name like venom the rest of his sentence seemed robotic.

I continued to look at him, questioning this situation and wondering if he was normally angry. Sure Todd was a prick but why was he so angry at him? This was no ordinary feud between some friends, something had to have happened.

He finally drops me down and I suddenly become aware of the fact that my chest isn't bound anymore. My hands instantly go to cover my chest but Tom does something before. He pokes me, in the chest, hard.

"Just stay.......keep away from me and my friends," his voice only falters because he poked me.

Granted getting poked in your chest hurts but getting your boob hurts quite a bit more. I wince a small bit in pain but quickly cover it up by acting like I was just biting my lip. By this point I'm hugging my chest and looking down to the floor. I must look like some shy student talking to their crush and ultimately being denied.

Once he turns around I quickly lay down back in my sleeping bag and look to the wall. My eyes burn a small bit but I suck it up and blink away any tears. Of any times in my life, now is not the time to start crying. I pull my sleeping bag up to my neck and close my eyes. I probably won't sleep anymore but relaxing would be nice.

I sight heavily and the next thing I know, its morning. And with morning comes the smell of breakfast. Well not in this case, suddenly I smell nothing but the smoke filling my lungs.

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