Prospective Admins

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We will be accepting around 3 admins to being with, but may make exceptions as needed. The admins we do accept will need to:

-Have access to Kik or Discord, or even phone number if you are comfortable with such. We will not use a group chat on Wattpad, as they are ineffective.

-Have been on Wattpad for at least 5 months. Exceptions can be made here, just contact Raven.

-Submit a small piece of writing, whether it be an excerpt of a current book or made up on the spot.

-Be respectful towards readers and fellow admins. If any arguments are started or problems arise, message Raven or Moth about the situation.

-Have read at least the first series of Warriors, and have an understanding of how the Warrior Cats world works.

The form can be found on the home screen of the DFS, or under "personal websites."

For any questions, you may ask in comments or private message the account.


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