Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen


Bahja Nem Left Awhile Again So Im Laying Down With Bre ... I Can't Believe I Ever Let Her Go ... She's The Best Thing That Ever Happen To Mê ...... She Looks Up At Mê With A Shocked And Worried Look.....

Bre: Bae ... I Think You Might Wanna See This (Kisses Mê & Hands Mê Her Phone & Goes To The Bathroom)

So I See This Post Prod Made On Instagtam It Was A Picture Of All 4 Of Us But He Was Cut Out A Little ... It Said " Being With These Boys Have Been Amazing ... But I Have To Depart! Mindless Fans I'll Always Love You ... Roc , Ray , & Prince We'll Talk Later!!" At That Moment I Was Stunned I Was Speechless ..... Bre Came Out The Bathroom She Laid Back Down And Took Her Phone Put it On The Table And Just Hugged Mê .....

Bre: Im Sorry Bae ... But It Looks Like I Won't Be The Only One Finding A New Group Partner ... It's Not Easy But It'll Get Better I Promise

This Group Was The Only Thing That Helped Mê Stop Drinking & Be Safe... I Just Can't But I'll Stay Away From The Drugs & Alcohol For The Sake Of My Kids & Wifey & For The Sake Of My Life

Nicki POV

So Im On My Way Back Home In The House ... With Drake And My Kids Lol ... I Walk In The House & Bre In The Kitchen When She Saw Mê Her Face Lite Up She Ran To Mê

Bre: Mommy I Missed You (Hugs & Kisses Mê)

Mê: Oh I Was At The Studio Im Sorry For Yelling At You This Morning Forgive Mê .... But I Have Something To Tell You ... I Think Part Of The Reason I Yelled Was Because I Think Im Pregnant ...


Mê: (Giggles) Calm Down Silly Im Not Sure If I Am Come With Mê Upstairs To See ...

Bre: Okay & Hey Pops Can You Finish Making Those Bottles For Mê (Goes Upstairs)

Drake: Well Damn A Nigga Don't Exsist (Chuckles)

So Upstairs With Bre We Are So Anxious ... We Are Waiting For The Results ....

Bre: OMG Hurry Up Already

As Soon As Bre Said That The Thing Beeped ... I Picked It Up And My Face Lit Up I Showed Bre

Us: Ahhhhhhhh (Screaming)

Ray & Drake: What (Panicking)

Mê: Im Pregnant

Bre: She Pregnant

I Don't Care Anymore About Anything ... My New Baby & My Family Is My 1st Priority!

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