Chapter 28

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6 Years Later

Hey Guys .. Wow It's Been 6 Years Already.. The Twins Are Now 7 & I Had Another Daughter Her Name Is Sophia Lee Lopez ... After That HoneyMoon 😏😏😏 Someone Got Pregnant Lol 😑 But Sophia Is 6 && The Girls All Love Each Other.. So Yeah But On To Mê & Ray We Great Every Married Couple Fights But The Next Thing With Ray Is Sex & Well Um Head Does The Body Good .. Oops Said To Much TMI ..... Lol ..

I Was Knocked Out Of My Thoughts When Sophia Comes Up To Mê

Mê: Yes Sophia

Sophia: Mommy Im Hungry

Mê: Okay Baby Im Making Dinner Right Now .. It's Tacos

Ray: Did I Hear Tacos (Comes Into The House)

Sophia: Daddy (Hugs Him)

Ray: Hey Baby Girl 😘 Hey Bae 😘😘 (Kisses Mê)

Mê: Hey Baby .. Sophia Go Get Your Sisters & Yall Wash Your Hands So Y'all Can Eat.

Sophia: Okay Mommy (runs to get her sisters)

Mê: So How Was Work ..? Ray: Oh The Boys And I Decided To Do A Finale Tour Because We All Have Our Mrs. Right. So Yea And All Our Family Is Going & Its World


Ray: Yea Baby Throw that ass In A Circle ...

The Girls Came Back We Got Our Food & Prayed Over Our Food .. Then We Ate & Ray Told The Girls What Was Happening! They Were Excited & They Were Smiling All Bright & Me & Ray Were Laughing It Was The Cutest Thing Ever!! I Love My Life & Family & I Wouldn't Trade Them For The World!

Nicki POV

Hey Y'all So I Had My Baby & I Had A Girl .. Her Name Is Olivia Blue Minaj & She Is 6 & She Is Adorable & She Loves Bre .. Drake & I Are Married 5 Years Now & Were Doing Okay ... This Is The Life Only If Y'all Knew... We've Had People On the Wrong Side Of Bed To Having Shattered Hearts & Broken Glass But Somehow we all picked up the Pieces & Kept Moving In Our Life .. Nobody Can Stop This Family & I Mean NOBODY!!


Life Takes You Places You'll Never Think You'll End & Show You The impossible can happen .. You Just Have To Go With The Flow .. Take Adventures But Don't Make Checks That Your Ass Can't Cash ... You'll Get It Later On ...

Love Y'all ✌️✌️❤️

No One POV

Everyone One Else Is Fine & Doing Great.

There You Have It Guys The Finale .. Of Shattered .. I'll Start The New Story With The Sisters Soon .. Thanks From The Bottom Of My Heart For All Your Support ... I Appreciate Y'all I Swear & Much Love Keep Reading & Spreading The Word About My Stories !!

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