Bad Day, Good News.

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Hi everyone, hope you really like this book so far and you want tpo keep reading it, I love knowing that people like the stuff i read, makes me feel happy:)

oh well anywhooo, this chapter is alright i dont know happy I am with it like i said, I just make this stuff up on the spot so it could be good or bad you know?

Also I dont really edit my work so sorry if anything is spelt wrong, and yeaa, hope you like chapter 2:)


Chapter 2:)

I walked home. Opening the front door, yelling out to Andy I was here. I put down my bag and walked into the kitchen to get a small snack.

After few minutes my big borther walked down the stairs and grinned, that is, until he saw me fully. more to the point, my face. His face went dead and angry in 2 seconds flat.

"What the hell happened to your face?!" He shouted. I cringed and threw my bag down before trying to run past him, but he grabbed my arm, just where Tiffany had bruised the other day and I cried out in pain, he instantly let go.

"What is it?" He asked shocked. I was breathing heavily when he lifted up my shirts sleeve to where the bruises were, i fought him a little but i knew it was no use.

 "No, Andy, please let go, Let it go, it's nothing, I swear.

Just before he reached the bruise, the phone rang, "Where not finished here." He said and went to get the phone. As soon as he was gone a grabbed his car keys and ran outside to his car, starting it up I drove to my favourite place.


I pulled up near the hiking track and walked until I found the 4th tree and walked north-east, I'd been here everytime I was upset, or scared after my mum died and my dad left us, I walked a bit farther until I reached the giant rock and turned to east.

I walked 5 more minutes when I got to the climb I grabbed the rock and swung myself up, I'd always been good at climbing and things that required upper body strength, I just never put it to use, After I had gotten up I walked over to the place i wanted to be.

There was a huge Weeping willow tree in the middle of a little feild, right by the tree there was a little creek with tatpoles and small fish, I sat against the willow and rested my head against it and sighed.

 How was I supposed to make it to graduation? How was I supposed to keep my sanity. I felt awful about myself. I was fat, ugly, pathetic. I was everything that they called me. Everything that Sam and his group thought me to be.

I let out a sob. I wish my mum was here to help me get through this, to cradle me in her arms and tell me I was beautiful. But she was dead. and I had to face this alone. All alone. I buried my face in my knees and sobbed like my life depended on it.

I was letting out a weeks worth of pain, of torture, of longing, of rejection. I never felt so worthless in my entire life.

I hated myself. I hated Sam, I hated Tiffany. I hate life.

I'd been sitting there crying for what felt like hours when I heard twigs snapping softly. I stood up, whipping my red face and looked around, frightened, I low growl sounded from the shadows and I walked slowly towards it, I was still terrified but I kept going.

 What was I doing? Walking towards a bloody growl. I am the biggest idiot alive. If it eats me, at least I will be with my mother. Away from this torture. Was it bad that the idea of whatever the thing was eating me, was sounding more appealing? That death sounded good?

I squinted my eyes and heard more noise, I saw it then, a huge shadow that looked almost taller than me, I was about to back up from it when it started moving forward, i backed up, when the shadow came into the dim moon light, I froze.

 No. It was not. I was dreaming, I had gone to sleep while sobbing and was dreaming for death. I pinched my arm to try and see if I would wake up. I watched it move closer to me.

 Oh my god.

I was terrified.

I stood face to face with the biggest wolf I'd ever seen.


Sooooo everyone, hope you like it, i know stupid ending but i would really appriciate if you tell me what you think okiee? just tell me if you like it or not

COMMENT and VOTE also:))

Okiee thanks for reading:)



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