chapter 8

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Tobias is leading me down the hallway and I try to keep up but my stupid dress keeps getting under my feet and I trip. "we are taking you to the fashion experts"Tobias says smirking. "um..." I say. we reach the autorioum and go into the costume room. "Christina . Marlene" Tobias says. They both emerge from the fitting room. "Ok so um... tris had to wear.....that....because of Caleb. he was gonna telll...their parents... and she would have to go to....a boarding school" Tobias says. thank goodness hes a good liar. "ok what do you want us to do" Marlene says.  "all of you are gonna wear some of these costumes, including you Tris" He says. "How?! the deal was for him to pick the outfit" I snap. "Ah but there wasnt a rule against adding or transforming it"He says looking at Christina. she squeals. "Here wear this till were finished with the dress" she says and hands me a shirt and jeans. "Your brilliant Tobias" I say and kiss his cheek. he tries to cover it up, but I can tell hes blushing. After about a hour later(we kinda skipped a few classes- but Tori has us covered since she was the costume director) Christina came out with the transformed dress.  it was pastel colored(still) but had lace sleeves and at the top. It wasnt puffy, but winged out in the back. "OH MY GOODIE GUMDROPS THANK YOU!" I squeal. "Were not finished yet, give me the wig" she says. I take it off and take the dress into the changing room and unpin my hair and put the dress on. "you look good, Tris" Tobias says. I blush and say thanks. does he like me? do I like him? im so confused. Christina and Marlene come with the wig. its still pastel colored but in a french braid. "How-" I say. "I just undid the ties" she holds out her hand ann there are clear elastics. "and put it on the head thing over there" she points to a wig holder head. "And I styled it. put it on so I can whisp the bangs back" she says. I do as I was told. "Thanks for everything guys" I say and walk out with Tobias. "What period is it?" I ask him. "2nd period" he says. "Do u have the passes?" I ask him. he nods and pulls them out of his pocket. all the sudden I fall on my face.  "Tris are you ok?" Tobias asks me and helps me up. "Yeah I have had worse" I say and hear a snicker behind me. Peter and his lackeys - molly and drew. "Look who it is- the stiff" Peter snickers. I slap him and walk away with Tobias beside me. "Not go fast stiff" molly says and steps on my dress and I trip but Tobias catches me.  "I swear you do that one more fucking time you will pay" I snap. Drew steps on my dress and Tobias catches me again. I mouth thanks and run to the pole thats by the lockers, climb it, and jump down. I drop kick drew in the face, Kick molly in the ribs, and flip Peter. "Now lets get to class" I tell Tobias. he looks shocked. "How in hell did you do that?" he asks me. "When you have no friends for 13 years, you tend to try new things. me, I jumped around the house and had classes everyday" I say. "now you no not to mess with me" I joke.

hey guys srry its short IVE BEEN SO BUSY if you like books and divergent and your a fangirl, follow @divergent_legend_fangirl on instagram!!!


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