Once again, sorry not a update

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Ok so im kinda pissed off again. So people have been commentimg on my story(s)and telling me what to do with my story like I dont mind if u have a suggestion,  but dont tell me what to do. Like im not trying to be rude but enough is enough. Also i have many of you saying update on my other divergent fanfiction. i will try to update it but honestly, i dont see it going anywhere considering that story was made when i was sick and stayed home from school which i also just finished allegiant and they were just my thoughts at the time.i honestly didnt think it would get popular tbh. Like i didnt even know how to add chapters at the time on here and i didnt write like i do now. Im startng "The sides of my differences" which is a story about a girl who finds this bottle of liquid in her yard that looks cool and she drinks it and magical things happen. thats all im gonna say cuz if i go more into deatail ill spoil it and no one will read it. then im also doing a frozen Fanfiction and a TMI fanfiction. i was doing another story but i had to delete it cuz some people i know thought it was about them and i got into some drama. Anyways im doing a update at the moment so look out for it in 30 minutes or less


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