Four | Mia

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"So, Harry, your father pleasantly informed me that you have accepted the prince's proposal."

When Harry was informed by his father that the queen wanted to see him, he was not exactly surprised. He had expected it after all because it only made sense that she asked to properly meet him now that he was to get married to her only son and the royal heir to the throne.

"Yes, your majesty. Nothing would make me happier." If anything, Harry was proud of how polite he sounded despite having had to force faux elatedness into his words.

"I am very glad to hear that. You are a smart boy Harry, and I am sure you'll be the perfect accomplice to the prince." Harry tried to ignore the underlying threat in her words. It's like she was almost daring him to do otherwise, leaving it to his imagination to concoct the punishment that would follow to such an offense.

"Of course, Queen." Harry forced another smile on his face, making a mental remark to thank Louis, his best friend, later for making him attend all those drama lessons with him. It seemed like he managed to pick up a trick or two after all.

"Now that that is settled. I would like for you and Prince Zayn to meet with each other sooner rather than later so you could get to know one another somehow before the official ceremony." Her voice boomed loud and clear in Harry's ears, stressing on how real the situation is.

He was marrying the fucking Prince.

"Set a time and a date your majesty, and it will be my pleasure to meet with the Prince whenever that is." Queen Trisha nodded her head in approval at Harry's words. She knew she had picked the right person to marry her son, and possibly tame his wild heart and the careless attitude he donned.

"I will let you know soon enough darling." She couldn't help but let the term of endearment slip through her lips because Harry was nothing less than an absolute angel in her eyes.

Harry's eyes widened in disbelief, and nodded his head in acknowledgment, his cheeks now dusted in a rosy red hue.

• • •

Zayn lazed around in his quarters, scrolling through his phone to see if there was a party worth his attendance tonight. A knock on his door startled him, but he chose to ignore it knowing that whoever was on the door would get the message that he was not welcome.

He was ready to scold the servant that dared to interrupt his privacy uninvited at the sound of his door being pushed open, when the words died out in his throat at the sight of his mother.

"Hello love." Zayn's heart fluttered at his mother's warm greeting, he had a soft spot for her after all, but squared his shoulders in a defensive stance, and saw his mother deflate at his gesture.

"Mother." He responded coolly.

"I am here to tell you that you and Harry will be having dinner together tomorrow so you would get to know each other a little before your betrothal." She spoke softly, a tone she used when she was addressing Zayn as his mother, and not as the Queen.

"I will do no such thing." He stubbornly stated.

"Please Zayn, this is the only thing I ask from you." Her voice hardened slightly, and Zayn knew she was on the verge of losing her temper and slipping into her domineering role.

"This is the only thing I cannot offer you mom. This is my freedom we are talking about here." Zayn tried to reason with her, to let her understand where he was coming from.

"Okay Zayn. Give me a year. Marry Harry for a year. If by the end of that year, you are unhappy and Harry proved to not be your perfect partner, I will allow you to break off the marriage and I will not cut or limit your access to any of the royal wealth. How does that sound?" Trisha knew that she was risking everything by this bargain, but she was putting all her trust in Harry's charms and kindness, and crossing her fingers that Zayn would be wrapped around Harry's by the end of that year.

"I accept your proposal mom." Zayn was already imagining his life with no restrictions from his mother's behalf and how liberating it would be for him to do whatever he wanted to do without having to worry about his mother berating him or threatening to cut off his money supply.

He was willing to sacrifice a year for the end game.

• • •

After Harry received the memo that he was to dine with Prince Zayn tonight, he had been a jittering mess all day. He did not know what was he supposed to wear to a royal dinner, how was he supposed to act, and what was he supposed to expect.

What if it all went to shit and Zayn ended up hating him? Harry did not want to be stuck with someone who hated him for life. He at least wanted them to be civil towards one another in the worst case scenario.

After pestering his mother into helping him to pick something out since she would be more experienced due to his father working with the royal family and all, Harry ended up with a pair of his finest black skinny jeans, a new white shirt that he had bought and never got the chance to wear, one of his few designer blazers, and finally a pair of black polished boots.

He styled his hair into what could be called a quiff of curly hair, and then deemed himself ready to go.

He took a deep breath and started up his car, it was now or never.

• • •

sorry for the long wait, tell us what you think x

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