Six | Mia

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Harry to trash "Lou ?? Ni ?? Are you guys there? :/"

Louis to trash "Wtf mate!! Thought you were dead or smth"

Niall to trash "Rude Lewis"
Niall to trash "You okay babe?"

Harry to trash "Can both of you come over like right now??"
Harry to trash "Major. Fucking. Problem."

Louis to trash "Beer"

Niall to trash "Ice cream"

If one thing Harry did right in his life, it was probably keeping Louis and Niall around for almost ten years now.

After his embarrassing encounter with his husband-to-be, Harry drove himself back home to wallow in self-pity, and after doing that for two hours straight, he decided it was time to let in his friends on everything that has been happening in his life for the past three days. He knew no one would be able to make light of the situation better than Louis, and then Niall would take pity on him and actually tell him how to sort his shit out. Balance.

Twenty minutes later that consisted of him burying himself in various fetal positions under the covers, he finally heard heavy footsteps trudging towards his room and mentally prepared himself for the impending conversation.

"I can't think of any reason for you to be curled up in such a pathetic position if I'm still alive and breathing." Louis stated seconds after slamming his bedroom's door open loudly against the wall.

"Aww curly. What's got you feeling so upset?" It's moments like these where he is thankful for having Niall in his life.

"I'm marrying the prince." He mumbled into his pillow.

"What was that princess?" Harry rolled his eyes so hard at the irony before Louis took it upon himself to fall on top of him rather ungracefully and lift his head from where he had it stuffed into his bed.

"I'm marrying the fucking prince." Harry repeated in a heavy pout.

"What did I say about smoking weed without me?" Louis rolled his eyes as he let Harry's head fall back into its initial position once more.

"I'm not fucking high, L. I'm marrying Zayn Malik, and he can't possibly hate me anymore than he does." Harry gauged his friend's reactions which varied from bewilderment to cautious contemplation.

Before Louis could open his mouth in another disbelieving retort, Niall slammed his hand onto his mouth and gave Harry a calculating look, "explain."

Harry huffed a thankful breath as he gave Louis a pointed look and sat up against his headboard.

"The other day my dad came to me and said that the queen has 'asked for my hand in marriage' and like she wasn't even asking right? I basically had no choice other than to accept or risk putting my family in the queen's wrath. I did not even know the queen was aware of my existence from when I went to visit my dad at work, but apparently she is and she has asked around about me or something. She thinks I'll be a good influence on her notorious son. That's not even the worst of it. I just came back from our first official meeting and it was horrible. One mention of the word wedding and he kicked me out of the castle. He hates me and I'm already fucking fond of him and I don't know what to do." Harry groaned as he ran a frustrated hand through his messy curls.

Hand kept firmly against a sputtering Louis' mouth, Niall queried "when you say official, does that mean you've met the prince before and didn't care to tell us?"

"No, it was on the day the queen asked to see me -yesterday- and I bumped into him and had to catch myself from swooning every two seconds. He can be quite charming if he is not aware that I'm the one he's going to be stuck with for the rest of his life unwillingly." Harry elaborated sheepishly.

Louis abruptly left the room with a shout of 'Anne!', only to return two minutes later with a distressed look on his face. "Niall, he's not lying."

"I don't think I can handle another 'meeting' of him staring at me like I ruined his life. Please tell me what to do." Harry shifted his limbs languidly so he landed in Niall's lap and pressed his face into his neck.

"I can't believe my best friend is marrying the fucking prince. What the fuck." Louis stated dumbly.

"We've got more pressing issues at the moment Louis. Like how said prince dares to walk all over our Harry here because he thinks he can." Niall started playing with Harry's hair knowing that it calms the distressed boy.

"He's the fucking prince mate. He can do whatever the fuck he wants and still get away with it. Why wasn't I born into royalty?" Louis took a swig from the beer and moved to cuddle Harry from his back.

"And? Listen Harry. You have to make him understand that you don't have much of an option as well, and that he can't treat you like shit because of circumstances you do not control." Niall stated sharply.

"I turn into this blushing mess when he so much as looks at me with these damned, intense whiskey eyes. I doubt I'd be able to sound remotely stern around him." Harry whined petulantly.

"Did you seriously just say 'whiskey eyes'?" Louis yelped when Harry elbowed him in his ribs.

"Let your gay ass meet him and let's see what you have to say for yourself. He's like some crafted, aesthetically pleasing creature." Harry muttered.

"Harry! Focus. That's not a fucking excuse. Prince or not, you're both going through the same shit. The next time you see him or whatever, you tell him, got it?" Niall snapped in frustration at his childish friends.

"Are we just going to talk about Harry marrying the prince like it's some normal crap?" Louis voiced after a couple of minutes of thoughtful silence.

"Yes, Lou. For his sake and ours. Now, get this beer over here and let's get our curly fucking drunk." Louis cheered as Niall shifted Harry's body so it was leaning against his instead.

Harry was thankful for his friends that managed to return some of his sanity to him for the time being.


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