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Stone cold.

A-4 's POV

7:40 PM

My body is on a cold, hard platform which seems like a table. I heard heavy footsteps hitting the hard floor as they became louder and louder. My eyes are shut closed and my chapped lips are slightly parted. The sound of feet finally stopped and got replaced by a voices.

" Subject A-4 is conscious."

"We need to do this quick, this wasn't supposed to happen"

"Bring her in room 404 "

"Ma'am, we are not supposed to take her there yet. She is still very fragile and -"

"That was an order."

"Okay ma'am,"

A burning light was the only visible thing I could see as I opened my eyes. I was lying down on something prickly. I felt a thick substance running down my cheek making my hand touch the stinging part on my face. I gasped slightly as I saw the red color on my shaky pale fingers. I looked around seeing nothing but trees. Where the hell am I? I looked up and got blinded by the light which turned darker and darker by the second.

There was a stinging feeling on my arm. Making my whole body jerk. My hands, feet, head, my whole body was shaking violently as if I was having a seizure. I couldn't move or do anything. I could just feel my body shaking uncontrollably. The same voices as earlier started to talk as if I couldn't hear them.

'''Her body is fighting it ma'am'' 

''Put her to sleep then!'' 

''It's ve- Okay ma'am'' 

I gasped as my eyes started to burn as if onions were the only smell I could sense. My hands covered my eyes and I fell right back on the hard branches and rocks. I felt a rock slightly breaking my skin and entering my arm. I sat up for the second time trying to adjust my sight but unfortunately, my sight stayed blurry. I placed my dirty hands on the nearest tree and stood up. My legs were weak, I was  weak, My legs wobbled as I took my first steps. I glanced down at what I was wearing and was quite surprised. I had some black leggings, a red flannel shirt with a white t-shirt under and some black combat boots, it took me a while before realizing that I've had these clothes before this, before waking up in middle of nowhere. I started to walk around, trying to find any sign of people around. ''Hello?'' I yelled out ''Is anyone here'' I tried calling out but with the same response, silence. My feet crumbled dead leaves and snapped branches as I tried to find my way out of these woods. I walked to the north direction and tried to stay on the same route, since I didn't want to loose myself even more in these woods. My eyelids started to drop as I took some heavy steps forward. ''Where the hell am I?'' I mumbled to myself and rubbed my eyes once more before falling on the ground letting the darkness.

My eyes fluttered open as someone was hovering over me ''Are you okay there'' A male voice asked, concern was found in his voice. I quickly sat up and immediately regretted it as a sharp pain found its place on my waist. ''Be careful.'' The same voice said when I let out a groan. I decided to look at this person, after all it seems like he kinda did save my life even though he could of left me in those woods. He had jet black hair and piercing blue eyes, his lips were tinted like the pink shells you can find on the beach. '' Do you remember your name?''  His thick, welsh accent spoke,  I nodded then shook my head no. ''What do you mean by that?'' He asked as concern flashed through his ocean eyes.

''I- I can only remember one letter'' I said furrowing my eyebrows trying to remember my own name, the only thing I can remember is one letter. ''Alright, uh.. don't worry it'll come back to you. My name is Jacob, but you can call me Jake. '' He said and held his hand out expecting me to shake it, which I did and nodded. '' Right now we are in my shelter that I share with a few people. ''Shelter?'' I asked with confusion laced in my voice. ''When we arrived here, there were already shelters, so we just made groups and started to live in these shelters.'' He said with a small smile. ''Oh and by the way I bandaged your arm and waist. '' He added and pointed to my bloody t-shirt. The shelter looked safe but also looked as fragile as ice. The sunlight was shining through the holes in the wood that the whole shelter was build with. ''Um, I'm gonna get you a new shirt and give you a tour.'' He said awkwardly, breaking the awkward silence then left me alone.

I took the chance to take a look around. It was almost empty, there was a purple rug on the floor, a fireplace, which was dead, a grey couch, and then there were many 4 beds plus the one I was laying on. There wasn't anything special about this shelter expect that it looked like a creepy cabin that you'll find in a forest. My thoughts got interrupted by Jacob entering the cabin with black t-shirt and my flannel. '' I'm gonna go outside and let you change into this.. I figured you would want your flannel back, I washed it and it's kinda dry... I'm gonna go now, I hope you don't break anything'' He joked awkwardly and rubbed his neck then left. He seems harmless but, I can't trust him. I can't trust anybody, I don't even know where I am. I'm just gonna find out where I am. And take the fastest way home.

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