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Stone cold, part 2

A-4 's POV

12 : 34 AM

I squinted my eyes as I walked out of the shelter and lifted up my arm to cover my eyes from the bright sun. '' Finally,'' I turned around to see Jacob, his back pressed against the wall, his arms crossed. '' Let's walk,'' He suggested and grabbed my arm, his hands was soft and warm making me confused. If he was living here, how can his hand be so warm and soft? ''Here's the people of my clan '' He said as we approached a group of people, there was 2 girls and 2 boys, They were laughing together.

''Hey guys'' He said and they all stared at me like I'm some sort of weird animal. '' A new one? Already?'' a boy with blonde hair asked rudely as he glared slightly at me '' Stop glaring at her guys, show some manners '' Jacob scolded them and they immediately stopped.

''Jake I need to talk to you..'' Blondie said and stood up while glaring at me making me look down at my feet. The both of the boys walked away and stopped a few feet away from us. '' Can I ask where we are?'' I broke the silence and the 3 people looked at me ''We don't know'' Said the raven haired girl. ''How do I go home? I need to go to work'' I asked with concern in my voice, I had to go back, my boss is not going to be happy if I'm late." And that's when they erupted in laughter like animals. ''Oh honey there's no going home'' The boy with green eyes struggled to say because he was laughing so hard.

''I need to go home my mam, my dad and my kitten needs me!'' I complained and looked at them making them laugh harder, '' look the little British bird is mad now'' yelled the black haired girl as I furrowed my eyebrows,crossed my arms and walked away. '' She's so innocent and childish'' she added which caught the boys attention ''What's going on here'' Jake asked and approached me. ''Nothing just testing her,'' She answered and started to pick at her dirty nails. I unconsciously looked down at mine and was satisfied, at least my nails aren't dirty, you can still see bits of the faint nail polish on my pink nails but that's it.

Jake put his hand on my back and pushed me slightly away from the others. My eyebrows furrowed as I thought about what that girl said. ''What did she mean by testing?'' I blurted out ; my thoughts just flew out of my mouth. ''Nothing don't worry..'' He said quickly, me being the curious girl asked him why he sounded so suspicious. He walked in front of me and turned around so he walked backwards and looked at me.

"You know princess, curiosity killed the cat." He smirked and winked then turned around, continuing to walk. "Princess?" I mumbled under my breath. I've been here for less than 24 hours and I already have two nicknames, great. "So there's the builders, they build our cabins, and they just finished the biggest one right over there, " he said and pointed towards a big cabin "Impressive" I said and he nodded, he was proud of it and it sure did look like it.

"There's the kitchen and the cooks, along with their helpers, the helpers goes and finds vegetables and fruits. Which is completely different than the hunters ; they hunt animals, obviously." He pointed in other directions and I listened to every word carefully. He continued to show me the group of people and that he was a hunter along with his friends. " Hey, Jake, I appreciate your tour and that but I just want to go home, I have a cat to feed." I said worried about my cat Buttercup, she's a wild cat we found on our balcony a few months ago.

"Oh, about that.." He started and looked away. "What do you mean about that? Why do I have a feeling that what you're going to say something that isn't going to please me?" I asked and approached him while crossing my pale arms. "Once you're in here you can't exactly leave.. " he said and scratched the back of his head. " What do you mean I can't leave? Are you kidding me? " I asked getting frustrated " Well look around princess, there's no exit this is not the maze runner" he said and I rolled my eyes " I have a life, I don't have time for your weird box. I need to go back home to London and live my life " I raised my voice and stomped me foot on the ground.

"Well princess you're not the only one who had a life alright? I had a baby sister who was 3, and the last time I saw her was 4 years ago I have something way more important to see than your kitty cat in your hometown so don't complain about this place because you have no other choice but survive in here and you have to deal. With. It. " he yelled and suddenly stormed off. People were looking my way, most of them giving me dirty looks which made me very uncomfortable. I decided to follow Jacob and I grabbed his arm as I approached him. Hit arm jerked away from my arm and he continued to walk. 

"Jacob I'm sorry, I shouldn't have complained that much I'm just, under shock I guess? " I tried and he stopped in his tracks " I was being a selfish girl and I should've have thought about your situation first, I'm sorry" I said and he turned around " apology accepted. " He said and I sighed in relief. I felt guilty, very guilty he had a family too and all I have is Buttercup.

"Just don't feel guilty, I mean there's nothing we could do to change that." He said. His voice wasn't as happy and quirky anymore it was now boring and full of emotions. As we walked I noticed a girl sitting by herself kicking the sort under her feet. "Who's that" I asked and Jake looked her way and sighed. "Oh that, is an old friend. We just don't talk anymore, at least like we used to do. " he said and looked away. "Oh, I could talk to get if you want, so I can help your friendship " I said with smile on my face, perhaps she'll be my friend, hopefully. He slightly nodded so I made my way towards her. She was now facing one of the wall and then turned around as I came closer and closer.

" Hi" I chirped and waved a little. " Hey." She said not even looking at me. "I saw you alone when I was walking around with Jacob" I started making her head snap in my direction. " and he said you were an old friend and you two don't talk anymore, I wanted to help you guys out" I explained and she laughed.

"An old friend? Yeah fuck you too Jacob." She laughed and then spat on the ground making me cringe. " So you're not an old friend?" I asked her now looking at her features. She had black hair and green eyes, she was dressed in dark clothes and black combat boots. "Damn right I'm not an old friend. " she said and rubbed her hands together.

"You, little British bird, wouldn't want to date Jacob, he's an ass." She added leaving a confused expression on my face. "Why not I mean he is kinda handsome" I said and slightly blushed thinking about him and I dating.    "Oh he is handsome I'll give you that."

I had a feeling that she truly hated him for whatever reason. I mean it couldn't be that bad, I guess. "Whatever happened between you two can be fixed. You just have to forgive him for whatever he did." I tried and she stood up " Let's walk" She mumbled and walked straight forward. I quickly stood up and ran after her then slowed down as I arrived next to her. 

" So when I was the new bean Jacob took care of me, I was vulnerable, unstable, emotional exactly the opposite of what I am today. I thought this was like The maze runner but it really is not." She started and I listened carefully to every word that came out of her mouth. " I have always been single so when I finally had the chance to have a boyfriend AKA Jacob I literally jumped on the opportunity. "

I didn't know where this was going so I kept listening "We were almost saying for a year until I heard rumors and whispers saying that Jacob was, that Jacob was cheating on me.  So one night. I went to his cabin and saw him with a girl. It broke my heart I cried and now I'm here. " she said early wanted to finish the story. " Moral of the story: don't trust Jacob he's a dick. " She sighed and looked forward. " What was he doing with the girl?" I asked " Banging her" she replied.

" Banging?" I asked I've heard that word before but I never considered it my business to know what it was. "Banging? Shagging? " She tried but I was still clueless. " Oh sweet baby Jesus, you're so innocent. Birdy he was fucking her." She said and my eyes widened. I let out a big "OH" and she laughed. "I like you birdy, let's be friends." She said and I smiled. Finally a friend.

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