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"I wanna know all the dreams you that keep beneath. I want the words that you whisper when I'm asleep."


"Lucas!" The deep, evil voice screamed. It's what Lucas assumed the devil sounded like.

"Stop!" Lucas yelled back.

He was in a cold, dark, windowless room. The floor was dirt. Lucas was beyond terrified. He had no idea where he was or what was happening.

"You ruin everything, you ruined her!"


"Me." Her voice was warm and loving. Her long locks cascaded down her back effortlessly. She was wearing an elegant yellow dress that seemed to flow past her for miles. A joyous smile spread across her face. There was a sparkle in her eye that warmed his heart.

She lit up the room.

She was a literal ray of sunshine.

A beacon of hope.

"Riley." He had to get closer to her. He needed to feel her warmth and love.

When he had finally reached Riley he reached out to hold her hand. He had just barely touched the tip of her finger when she let out an agonizing scream of pain.

Her skin paled to a ghostly white. Both her hair and dress lost their colors. The radiant smile was wiped from her face. The sparkle in her eye was no longer there, for it was replaced by pure darkness and emptiness. He felt his heartbreak just looking at her.

"Riley." Her name came out broken as he started to sob.

She kept moving further and further from him.

As she was pulled into the darkness she screamed "You ruined me! I HATE YOU!"

"Riley!" Lucas jolted awake. Sweat dripped from his forehead and his breathing was uneven and heavy. He looked around his bedroom to make sure everything was normal. His clock read 2:03.

It was just a dream.

But was it really? It felt so real to him. That's why he needed to go see if Riley was okay.

She had to be.


He sprinted all the way to her apartment building. By the time he finally made it he was hunched over breathing heavy. He pulled out his phone and quickly sent her a text to come outside onto the steps.

In a matter of seconds she was outside.

Lucas immediately wrapped his arms around her. One of his hands was around her waist and the other held on to her neck.

"You're okay right?" He asked while slightly pulling away to look at her face.

"I think the better question is if you're okay. Was it another nightmare?"

"Yeah, and I just needed to make sure you were alright."

She soothingly moved her hand up and down his arm. In the last week Lucas had been having horrible nightmares. Almost every night he came to Riley. She had grown to expect his text at 2 in the morning asking for her to come outside.

"Let's go inside it's freezing. I'll make us some hot chocolate just how you like it; extra marsh mellows." She said while giving him a reassuring smile.

Rucas One Shots Where stories live. Discover now