Chapter 1: The beginning of a new life

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|| AN: Thank you for clicking on this story! Warning! This chapter focuses around Chiyuki's backstory so there will be mentioning of suicide. The rest of the story won't focus around it but it's possible in later chapters there will be mentions of it. ||

It had been what? Four days, no four weeks-wait that makes a whole month. Okay, it had been exactly one month since Chiyuki had committed the suicide she already regretted. Now, she was a ghost. Not an angel or person rotting in hell. No, she wasn't in heaven, hell, or even limbo, just stuck on earth as a spirit that couldn't be seen by others.

At the beginning, when she first became a ghost, she thought that her death had just been a simple nightmare.

~~Flash back~~

Her light ghost body sat on a wooden bench near a bus station. Her memory was an entire mess, she wasn't even aware that she had died and didn't know why she was here, the ravenette had thought that maybe she was waiting for a friend...? She knew everything that had happened before her skating accident, but anything after that seemed to of faded away.  After a few minutes, she decided to walk away, towards her home. Maybe I was waiting for the bus? Oh well, it seemed like I missed it. A few people passed by her on the way, one even walked through her left side but the dead woman didn't notice.

"I'm home!" Chiyuki shouted cheerfully once she entered the household of her parent's. The young ghost took off her shoes and placed them next to the door. No noises could be heard except for a faint one in the distance. Her eyebrow raised in suspicion, quickly her mood changed into a more concerned one. Had something happened when she left...?

Cautiously, she took a few steps forward. Cries could be heard now. Chiyuki's magenta eyes widened in fear of what could possibly be going on. Her brain was already jumping to conclusions. "Mom?!" She yelled. Her voice could not be heard by her mother since she was still part of the living. The former ice skater ran to where she heard the sobbing come from. It was in the bathroom, where her own dead body was lying near the bathtub, lifeless as ever.

Her hand rushed to cover her mouth. Just seeing the body made her feel... nauseous. "W-what is that?!" The ghost tried asking her mother who continued crying. Blood stains were on her body's wrists and on the flooring of the bathroom. "What happened...? Mom...?" Chiyuki's voice was quiet and full of panic. This can't be right! This has to be a dream...

Still, there was no response, no answers to her questions. The memories of this time were refusing to come back. It was obvious something had happened but what exactly...? Instead of the fight or flight option, her body started shutting down.

Chiyuki's knees felt weak. She was shaking and didn't even notice until she had fallen over. Why couldn't her mother hear her? What was going on? What kind of nightmare was this? 

When would it end?

~~Flashback end~~

A soft sigh fell out of her mouth. The ghost had gotten used to living on the streets or practically anywhere else besides the nice home she chose to abandon. Now, the once famous ice skater sat in an alleyway, leaning against the red and brown brick wall of the backside of a building. No one saw her and she didn't know how to tell the difference between a living person and a spirit like herself. There was no hope, at least that's what she thought. The ghost felt utterly alone even though people passed by her all the time. No one noticed her. No one saw the woman that was full of regret and sadness.

It had taken a week for Chiyuki to stop crying and accept her fate. This is almost as painful as being in hell. Of course she didn't actually know what hell was like, or if it even existed, but being stuck as a wanderer on earth, unable to talk with her family or friends, seemed just as terrible. 

It was beginning to get late out, the sun would set on the horizon soon and everything around her would turn black. With nothing better to do, the ghost fell asleep against the building. During her sleep, she never had a single dream, everything was pitch black. 

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