[] Prolouge []

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Cassidy Brooke Keltzer was 17 years old when her first run in with the supernatural hapened. Shapeshifters as they called them. They meaning hunters. Specifically, Sam and Dean Winchester.

She was at a dinner party with her parents and the neighboring family, the Watsons. Her mother had left to go to the restroom and came back a few moments later, refusing to use the beautiful silverware Mrs. Watson had set out. She claimed that the silverware was to beautiful and should rather be used for decoration. As Cassidy watched, she noticed her mother carefully wrapping the silver up before picking them up.

She soon asked to be excused and went to the restroom, walking inside and looked at herself in the mirror, messing with her hair a bit before noticing something strange.


She watched in confusion as it dripped from the bathtub, falling onto the floor. She turned her back to the mirror as she carefully walked towards the bathtub. As she neared it, she noticed the smell of blood become stronger, making her cover her nose in disgust. She pulled open the curtains and screamed in horror.

Her mother was laying in the tub, blood covering every inch of her body as she was slashed up. She covered her mouth as she over looked her mother's body, a big pile of flesh and bone catching her attention.

She ran outside the bathroom just before she heard the front door get kicked in. She looked down the stairs, seeing a modelesqe male barge in, followed by a taller man with long hair. She held back a scream and ran to the closest door, opening it and going inside.

She looked around, noticing she was in a closet and mentally cursed herself, grabbing a broom she found and pushed herself as far back as she could, listening for the slightest bit of movement. She heard some yelling come from down stairs before hearing something start walking upstairs. She clutched the broom stick close to her as she heard the footsteps stop right in front of the door.

She watched as the door knob twisted and the door opened, making her throw the broom at the man's face with a squeal and then push him into a wall, running down the stairs and going to run out the front door. She felt someone wrap their arms around her waist, making her scream and start pushing at the hands holding her. She kicked backwards, her heels slamming into the persons shins as they carried her back to the living room.

"Put me down!" She shouted, kicking and screaming as she punched their hands. The person sat her down and she turned to face them, being met with the tall male she saw earlier. "Who are y-"

The man cut her off by putting a hand over her mouth and looking around. She scowled at him and pushed his hand away from her mouth, sitting down on the couch beside the neighbors son, Xavier. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked over as Xavier asked a question.

"What's going on?" He asked, the tall man looking at him afterwards. Cassidy looked at the man curiously, wanting know as well.

"There's a shape shifter." He said, making Cassidy's eyes grow a bit as she remembered her mother's dead body in the bathtub but seeing her before she went to the bathroom. She was brought out of her thoughts as Xavier laughed a bit.

"Yeah right. Shape shifters are just myths." He said. Cassidy shook her head.

"No.. I think he's right. Remember when my mother went to the bathroom then came back and started acting all weird about the silverware? I went to the bathroom after her and I- I saw her body in the bathtub..." She said, tears starting to fill her eyes as she thought about it. The tall man looked at her curiously before being interrupted by the other one walking down the stairs.

"There's a body in the bathtub, along with a pile of flesh." He said, looking around the room before cursing in disappointment. "And the person I saw in the tub isn't in here.." The tall man's jaw clenched and he sighed.

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