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When i got out of the bathroom i saw that Tsubaki and Black*Star were fully dressed. I just let my haid dry naturally. "Are you ready ____," Tsubaki asked. "Yep all ready," i replied. We walked outside and it was a bit chilly. "Wait, let me get my jacket," i said. I entered the guest room where i had put my suitcase and looked for it. I checked everywhere for it and yet i couldn't find it. "Need help looking for your jacket?" Black*Star asked. "Ya i guess," i replied. It was hopeless, i couldn't find it. "Guess i'll walk in the cold," i said. "Don't worry you can use one of my jackets, i never use them anyways," Black*Star said. I then picked up the mess and walked out the room. Black*Star held up a jacket with a star on the back. He then placed it around me. It was so cozy, i wonder why he never uses it. We then walked out and Tsubaki locked the house.


We arrived at the movies. "So, what movie are we watching?" i asked. "We're watching 'Mirrors'," Black*Star responded. "What!?!" i asked scaredly, "why that movie?".

"We haven't really watched any scary movies lately," Tsubaki said. "Oh ok," i said a bit scared. "Don't worry, like i said, i'll protect you," Black*Star whispered into my ear. He put an arm around as we went to the snack stand. "Would you like anything to eat _____?" Tsubaki asked. Before Tsubaki turned around, Black*Star removed his arm. "No thanks, i've heard about this movie before, and i think i'll eat later," i said with a smile. Just then in the distance i hear a familiar voice. I didn't want to turn around, yet my feet disobeyed. There i saw Kid. I was still mad at him for doing research in me. So i quickly turned around. "Guys we should go before the good seats run out," i said lying. I didn't really want to see the movie but i think it was better than to come face to face with someone who want to experiment on me. When we walked in, there was hardly anyone. "Guess we have the theater to ourselves," Black*Star joked. Me and Tsubaki laughed. "Either that or everyone chickened out," Tsubaki joked. I laughed a bit more. "Ok, let's get seated," i said.


The movie was super creepy and it's not even over yet. Just then i covered my eyes. "What's wrong?" Black*Star asked. "That girl's jaw just got ripped off, how are you not disgusted by that?" i complained quietly. "To be honest i already watched this movie but Tsubaki didn't, that's why she looks scared as well," Black*Star responded. I then looked next to me and Tsubaki couldn't even blink anymore. I held Black*Star's arm closely. "Don't worry it's just a movie," Black*Star said calmly. I felt safe but the movie was still going. "I'm going the the bathroom to puke," i said while holding my head.

When i entered there was someone else and they were whistling. That kind of bothers me a bit. I entered a stall and then sat on a toilet. I just sat there and clutched my head. It felt as if it was thumping but who knows. "____ are you in here? The movie ended," a familiar voice said. I opened the stall and saw Tsubaki standing there with a smile. "Ya, it's just i don't feel to good," i said sickly. Tsubaki then put the back of her hand on my forhead. "_____ your burning up, we have to get you a doctor," Tsubaki said worringly. She then grabbed my arm and dragged me. Black*Star was just sitting on the floor outside the bathroom. Then a voice was calling me. "______, PLEASE FORGIVE ME! IT WASN'T MY CHOICE!" A voice called. When i turned around, Kid was sitting there on the floor begging. Just then everything went black.

Black*Star x Reader x Death the Kid (Soul Eater fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now