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"So Crona, how did you escape," i asked. Then Ragnorak started to talk. "How do you think stupid, Stein saved us from Medusa," Ragnorak said. "I always missed your stupid attitude -.-" i said sarcastically. "Why you little bitch," he then went back into Crona's spinal cord. "Crona is something wrong?" i asked. "Uhh y-ya i'm fine," he said stuttering like usual. Medusa sent him do something cause that's usually how he would act. I didn't bother. "____ are you ok you look worse than before," Tsubaki said. "Ya i--" i then held my mouth and ran to the bathroom.

Kid's POV

"Ya i--," ____ was cut off holding her mouth running into the bathroom. Poor girl had the flu. I then grabbed a glass of water and brought it to her. She was kneeling down next to the toilet with her head inside the bowl. "Uhh you look like you need some water," i said as she looked up at me. "Kid i don't feel so good," she said crying. I then knelt down next to her and gave her a bear hug. "It's ok it'll be over before you know it," i said rubbing her back. We both stood and she looked like she came out of a roller coaster. She was walking side to side like she was dizzy. When she was about to collapse me and Black*Star got to one side of her. I gave him a death glare saying 'i've got this'. We both gently place her on the bed as she began to yawn. "Get some sleep ____ you'll need," Black*Star said. "Well i think its time to go," Tsubaki said with a saddend look. "Night ____," i said calmly. When Black*Star and Tsubaki left i quickly went back and kissed ____'s forehead. "Hope you get better," i whispered. Just as i finished, i left the room without another word.

Crona's POV

Once everyone left i had to do my job. I then took out a pen and shot the little snake into my beloved sister. Why did i do this, stupid Lady Medusa is making me hurt my own sister. Then with all the strength i had i put ____ on my right shoulder. After that, i was gone.

Stein's POV

I heard the door shut outside of my lab. Maybe the last person left or ___ wanted to leave. I went it and POOF, ____ was missing. I rushed to Lord Death and ran into the Death Room as fast as i could. "Lord Death, ___'s missing," i yelled from the entrance. It looked like he could hear me because tried to contact his son.

Kid's POV

At last ____ forgave me. It looked like she was never going to forgive me for what i did. Just then my room mirror started to glow. My father was calling me, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. i answered it and my father had a very sad look on his mask. "Uhh Kiddo, ____'s gone," was all i heard before a tear shed down my face.

Sorry it was short, since it was i will try best to right another one tonight. As a christmas present.


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