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Before we begin, I want to tell you this story will contain adult themes, cursing, fighting, blood, etc throughout this story. If you do not like it please don't read, now on with the story.

The pic is not mine and full credited to the original person.

1357 words total


My name is Lila Crowe, I am 21 years old, I was born Feb. 2nd 1996 on exactly 6:40 pm and this is how it all begun.

1996: A woman in a black hood carried a basket with a baby wrapped in a baby blanket up to Mary Children Orphanage. She looked up to the main floor and skimmed over the windows to made sure no one was awake and stirring inside or outside the house. She set it down gently on the front porch and kneeled down to the basket, she softly spoke so she wouldn't wake anyone up.

"I'm so sorry Lila... I am... But this is for the best, if he ever found out that I had a baby then you wouldn't be a normal baby... You'd be like me and him. I wish you the best of luck at your new life. And I hope you do not run into any of them. Otherwise you'll not belong to this world anymore."

The woman with the hood took off a necklace with a little dream catcher on it. The baby just giggled and reached for her mother, her mother leaned down and put the necklace beside the baby, shedding one last tear as she kissed her baby's forehead.

 The baby just giggled and reached for her mother, her mother leaned down and put the necklace beside the baby, shedding one last tear as she kissed her baby's forehead

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"Goodbye my sweet baby..." She said in a sweet, heartbroken tone.

She then stood up and rung the doorbell, after she hear people shuffling she walked down the stairs, never once looking back because she knew if she did then she couldn't help herself and take her away with her.

~This is for the best.... We will meet in the future.... I hope...~ She thought as she passed the first tree and walked into the woods.

2003: It's been 7 years in this orphanage, 7 years that my real mother gave me up. The only thing that I have to remember her by is the little dreamcatcher necklace she gave to me when I was a baby. I don't remember her but sometimes i think I see her in my dreams. Some in the orphanage say that once your parents give you up to a orphanage that you never see them again, I know I'll see my parents again... I don't know how I know but I do. I slip out of bed and get ready with my normal day.

2008: A young couple came into the orphanage looking for a child, the people let them look threw files of the children and the young couple was pleased to find what they were looking for- a happy, quiet, lovable little girl by the name of Lila Crowe. They told them that they wanted that child and soon the child was in the backseat of a green Cavalier, heading to her new home.

2010: It's been about a year and a half since I was adopted and everything is wonderful, I'm happy and my faster parents are happy. They help me with my schoolwork and buy my new toys to play with. I'm so happy.

2011: My foster parents argue now and then over things. My foster mother went to the doctor and they said she was sick, she and my foster father cried.

When she got home I asked her, "why are you sick?"

She replied, "because it runs in the family sweety, don't worry about me."

2012: My mother died at the beginning of the year, we burried her and after that my foster father mopes around the house, all he does is eat food, drink water, sit on the couch and watch his old tapes that him and her recorded long ago. He mainly watches his and her wedding though.

2013: He began drinking and smoking this year, he would leave me at home to cook supper and clean the house, this became a normal for me and I did it all the time. When he would get home I would go to my room and remain quiet.

2014: im 18, a senior now and this is the year he began to beat me and blame me for everything. This is how it usually went; my foster father came home drunk from the bar every night and hit me, he made me clean the whole entire house. My fingers would be so tender form using cleaning supplies all day without proper protection that they would bleed from gentle touches.

At school I was a bright young student who could do upper grade work, yet I began to fail because of my lack of concentration on my school work. My mind was was too busy on the thought of living until the next day. The teachers would notice this and asked me about it, I lied and made up excuses. One day I had detention because of being late to school so many times, since they held me two hours for detention I didn't get out until 5, then it took me a hour to get home. As I made it I saw my foster father drunk at the table, I tried to sneak past him, but I couldn't and he made me clean the kitchen, I obeyed and went to clean after I sat my stuff on the table, once it was spotless I stood aside and awated my foster father's approval.

He looked to the kitchen and said, "good job, too bad it was for nothing."

He got up from the table and staggered over to me, I knew what was going to happen next as his hand stung as it collided with the skin of my face, my eyes watered at the contact. He screamed at me and beat me until I was on the floor, on all fours trying to crawl away from him. With one last kick to my ribs I heard a crack and all the air left my body, I gripped the marble counter top and pulled myself up. This was the worst beating his given me so far.

He screamed at me, "WHY don't you fight back you little bitch!?"

He was right, I should fight back. I grabbed the nearest thing to me and it was a large kitchen knife, I turned back to him and said, "your right, I should fight back, 18 years of this shit is enough... But now it's your turn to suffer."

"You don't have the guts you whore!" He spat back at me, furious I would actually stand up to him, usually I just took it.

"That's where you're wrong..."I said plainly as I went towards him and I kicked his legs, making him fall down with a groan. All of a sudden I snapped, I don't know why, I just snapped. Rage filling me to the brim and making me see red, I don't know why but I wanted to see his blood, make him feel pain and see it on his face....

The pain on my side became intense, but ignoring it I stabbed him in his chest, hitting his heart almost immediately, but I didn't stop- Oh no! I stabbed him at least 20 times before I was interrupted by loud sirens and flashing lights, my eyes went wide and I sprinted out of the house, leaving everything where it was, too scared and shocked of what I just did to think about anything else.


Well that was my first update on this story and I hope you enjoyed it. This is NOT the first chapter though... This was just her background and stuff, like how she went crazy and stuff... I really want to thank you all for reading it and if you have a idea for the future then please leave it in the comments or message me. So stay creepy my CP fans. And I'm sorry if I messed anything up...


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