Chapter 2: Small Park

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I stirred awake in my fluffy queen size bed, stretching and yawning loudly. Today was the day that I would head somewhere new, I would never be back to this town again. Hopefully I'll lose the authorities and they would stop looking for me or think I was dead or something, but thats not going to happen. They are too smart to just stop trying to find me, they would eventually figure out where I went and follow me...

I got out of my bed and headed downstairs to fix some breakfast for myself. I looked around the room before I headed down the hall and stairs and into the kitchen. I looked around for my bag and fount it leaning against the door frame, I grabbed it, opened it and dug around in the bag until I felt a can of food, I got it out and the hand held can opener out. I looked at my food and it was caned fruit, I sighed and opened it, grabbing a fork and eating it, I then went into the back yard and threw the can away from the house because I didn't want to show any signs I was ever here. I went to the bedroom and then grabbed the old sheets and blankets on the bed I used to sleep on, I tucked them in my pack then I walked to the old garage. I opened the door and looked around, and to my surprise there was a old looking box, I've never seen it before so I slowly and carefully stepped forward to it. Could the cops have put this here or did someone else do it, I thought to myself . I mustered up the courage and peaked in and when I did my mouth dropped. It consisted of weapons and a butt ton of them at that. There were short swords, swords, knives and daggers. Some machetes, katana, scythes, sickles and shivs. Blunt staves, spears, polearms with axe-like blades, polearms with spikes and hammers spears and javelins. Revolvers, self-loading pistols, rifles, carbonates, even some sub machine guns, sniper rifles, assault rifles and a mini gun. My heart pounded more.

I covered my mouth and my eyes were wide. I bent down and touched the weapons in the box. Where did this box come from? I've been in here before and I've never seen it... Who put it here..? Surely it wasn't the cops! I quickly looked around panicked and scared. Someone has been in here.

Unknown P.O.V

I laughed silently, seeing her reaction, her hand is covering her mouth that is wide and her eyes are wide. Her reaction is priceless as she seen those weapons. She doesn't know I'm in her house right now... Watching her every movement.... Evaluating her.... Testing her. She starts touching the weapons and put putting them on the ground as she sorts them. She seems skidish while touching the weapons, it's hard to believe she killed her foster father... I'll have to report back to Tobias... I don't know why he wants her. She doesn't seem like she would last at what we do... But she also seems different... Oh well... I guess only time will tell...

Lila P.O.V

I sit in the middle of all the weapons I laid out on the cold concrete floor. I don't know what to do about them... I better take one or two for protection I guess... or maybe some killing? Wait no why did I say that! What's wrong with me.

I grip my hair tights as I decide what to do. My head feels like it's going to bust, what should I do...

I took a few deep breaths and then made my mind up

I took a few deep breaths and then made my mind up

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My hands grazed the combat knifes and then the revolvers

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My hands grazed the combat knifes and then the revolvers. Those knifes and revolvers were my two favorite weapons, maybe a scythe comes close... But I would only pick two types of weapons to take with me. I sighed and grabbed two combat knifes and put them in my boots, then put two revolvers on my side. I carefully put the rest of the weapons back into the box and pushed it behind some boxes so it would be hidden in plane sight. I walked back to my backpack and picked it up. I walked to the front door and looked behind me.

I smiled and said to the house, "bye."

I walked out and shut the front door, the snow had stuck again and created a dusting on the road, adding to the ice and making it more dangerous. I stuck to the side walk which was full with snow, I put my hood up and walked on down the street. Soon I came up to a small park with a mother and girl were and smiled, I watched them and while the little girl was playing on the slide she cut her elbow and that red, thick, hot substance came out, she cried at the pain and ran to her mother and I suddenly had a urge to kill again. It's been awhile since I killed and the sight of blood and pain awoken that urge.

I walked to them and looked at them, the mother was too busy trying to clean and patch up the girl and the little girl was crying to notice me there. I smirked and reached for my knife from my boot, I looked at the mother, she had her back to me and I waited till she got the girl patched up, she stood up and turned around, freezing when she saw the knife and she held the girl behind her.

"W-What do you want? Money? Here take it, just leave me and my daughter alone." She fummbled with her purse and handed me her wallet, I took it and put it in my backpack.

Then I smirked and raised my hand with the knife, I stabbed down and hit her in he heart, her screams of pain were enough to make the little girl run, I took a revolver and aimed it at the girl, without even the blink of an eye I pulled the trigger and the little girl fell down, the bullet had lodged itself in the back of her head. She screamed too, but the howling of the wind covered both there screams. I looked around at the scene I made, the woman, laying in her own blood, knife in heart and the little girl, not to far with a bullet in hr brain. I giggled, then laughed like a maniac, it felt good to kill again. I put up the gun and got my knife out of the woman's chest, after I cleaned the blood off I out it back in my boot. I smiled and laid in the fresh red snow, I laid there too long like a fool and ended up falling asleep.

Unknown P.O.V

This is prefect! This is the perfect opportunity to grab her and take her to Tobias at the mansion... Now if I can just grab her without waking her... That's gonna be a little tricky. I pulled up my white bloodstained hoody and walked out in the open, leaving the safety and cover of the woods. I ran across the street as carefully as I can and looked at her, she seemed in a deep sleep, and I looked around at the scene she created and smirked, maybe she could handle being one of us... And I like her weapon choices, the combat knifes especially. I looked back to her and picked her up carefully and made the long trip back to the mansion.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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