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Hey guys so... please comment id love to hear what you think about my book.i know its a little dark but it does get better as it goes on. Sorry about short chapters and slow uploads. ill try to hurry it up from now on. 


(...)maybe give them a taste of their own medicine... 

3 weeks later. 

"WEVE FOUND HIM!"  i heard the shout and jumped for joy inside. 3 weeks i had waited for this and it was finally here. These past 3 weeks seem to have passed by so slowly that i felt like 3weeks had become 3years! during this time i have...

>Joined the police force

>Become the most respected member of the police force.

>got a gun licence

>And Now... Found the asshole responsible for the death of my family and my bankrupcy. 

"whats his name?" I shouted to the source of the life changing information, my best friend for 12 years, Rose Harper. 

"Tristan Conner"

I froze. My whole body went numb with fear as i fell to the ground. 

Tristan Conner, my dead husband's twin brother. 

I dont remember what happened after that. Just that i woke up about a day later laid on a hospital bed with tubes stuck in me here there and everywhere. I tried screaming but it was like my voice was on mute. Nothing came out. No matter how hard i tried, no body could hear me scream. I looked around, hoping to see someone i recognised. Just as i was about to give up looking, Rose walked in with a cup of coffee and some flowers. I hadnt noticed there was a vase next to me with my favourite types of baby pink lilies in them. They were dying, so i take it Rose was here to change them. I could see a monitor measuring my heart rate right next to me. It beeped every now and then. I tried blinking, and to my size it worked! I blinked my ass off until Rose eventually realised i was doing it. She stared at me in disbelief before relief spread all over her face. She started crying as she shouted to the doctor that it was a miracle, that i was awake. I smiled at her and she started sobbing. The smile on her face was so huge that saying from ear-to-ear just didnt cover it. I tried speaking. 

"Rose... Rose... " 

"yes? yes? what do you need Lexi? I'll get it for you!" 

"water. I need a drink of water" i cholked out. 

"Water? Doctor! Get her some water!" 

"Im not a servant miss you have arms"

She gave him a death glare and he ran out presumably to get me some water. 

I really did love my best friend sometimes. 

the mate that stole my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now