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Hey! So i heard 250 wasnt enough for you and you had to go the extra mile and make it 300! Not that im complaining of course ;) Keep em comin ;) BTW peeps, I thought i should tell you, I just changed my name so if you want to read my books you have to look for @TheLostBoysLover kk? I know confuzzling right?!? Still, im trying to get to 300 reads and 10fans so PLEASE fan!!!! Thanks so much to my awesome dedicated readers, u guys are really amazing! Also, because u guys worked so hard to get me more readers, (and coz im feeling nice ;)) Im gonna do 2 chappys! if u helped me get more fans please comment and ill dedicate one to  u x anyway enough of me babbling... 

as i promised ONTO THE CHAPPY!!!!!!!!!


Lexi's POV

"Nate!Get your but out of bed RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i yelled. It had been  two days since the attempted kidnapping. We were pretty much over it now. "NATHAN!!!!!!!!!!" boy that boy took hours to get ready. Honestly. 3 hours hed been up there!

"here. gosh you guys shout A LOT! Seriously!" He started laughing. He thought this was FUNNY?!?!?!?!

Nate's POV

I finished my hair and ran down the stairs. Lexi had such an angry look on her face i was finding it hard to contain my laughter. I bit my lip, holding it back.

"here. gosh you guys shout A LOT! Seriously!" The look on her face was priceless. I couldnt contain my laughter anymore, and i suddenly burst out into fits of laughter.

"YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?!?!?!" She looked so angry. I laughed even harder. 

"yes-your-face" I said between laughs. 

I managed to stop laughing for a few minutes.

"oh come on Lex, lighten up!"

Just then, Kallum walked in.

"Alexis, I need to talk to you." 

her face turned soft as she sudied Kallum's face for a few minutes. Then, her whole posture and body language turned serious.

"Kallum, what is it?"

Lexi's POV

"Kallum, what is it?" I said, I could see the fear and worry in his eyes.

"Would you like to go somewhere more private?"

"OK. We can go to the attic. No one follow us."

Kallum and I walked to the stairs at the end of the hall, and went up them. As soon as we entered the room, i sat on the bed and patted the space next to me on the bed. 

"erm I think ill just stay stood up. If thats OK" 

I nodded in response. What was up wih him today?

"So, whats up?" i asked. Might as well be blunt and get straight to the point. 

"We've had a threat on the pack"

"so?we have threats all the time..." i muttered, where the hell is he going with this? 

"yeah, but this one's different."

"different how?" 

"well, it was him again. Hes back."

I froze. He didnt need to explain. He saw my body change and quickly shot over to catch me. 


"Im sorry Alexis. Im so sorry" 

"whats happened?" 

"Well, apparently he sent his omega out to capture you, but he failed. No one knows why..." he scratched his head, confused.


"Alexis, do you know something  I dont?" 

"Well, on that day, when Beth rejected Nate, there was an attempted kidnapping. A human tried to kidnapp me. I hurt him really bad... could he have been the person that was after me?" 

"its highly likely. Why was no one told about this before?" 

"I-um-sort of... forgot" I mumbled. It was my turn to scratch my head.

He sighed "Oh lexi what are we gonna do with you?"

This could be fun "make me a gingerbread house and leave me alone in it for three years. See how long i last?" He laughed. 

"what are we gonna do then?" I said gettin back to the point.

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