His Mate.

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Ugh! I hate school. I can't wait till I graduate. Not much longer. Just the rest of this year and I'm out. Then I can take my place as alpha. I was suppose to when I turn 18, TOMORROW! but dad decided that I should finish school first then I can have it. I personally don't think he's ready to give it up yet. Either way I'm cool with it. I still wanna have my fun. Until then anyway.

'Tyyylllerrrrr' screams sings one of my so called best friends Max in my head.

"MAX IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" I boom. That ass does it every morning. You would think i'd be use to it by now but no I'm not. I freaking hate it. I can't even lay in bed in piece. I open my eyes and see him doubling over in laughter. You would also think he would get tired of doing it but no. "You got five seconds to run. Little boy." I growl. If you haven't figured it out yet. My name is Tyler Stone a senior in high school 17 I turn 18 tomorrow. I'm a werewolf next in line to be alpha. Mateless. I have a good home life mother, father, younger sister and brother. The rest of my family is my pack. Not a very big pack maybe 50 wolves. Not everybody lives with us only a few. They all live in different places around town. Rich, Not snobby rich. I could afford a lambo something like that but I prefer my baby a 1969 Chevy Camero. The only thing I wanted that even comes close to being expensive is my motorcycle. A pitch black 2010 GSXR Hayabusa. Nice. Okay both are expensive. My vehicles are my babies. Yes I baby them they get a washing once a week whether they need it or not. They stay spotless. What? I have nothing else to baby. Do you think I'm going to baby my friends. I don't think so not one bit. I can't say that because I have the best friends anyone could have. There's Max he's the prankster. Well we all are but he's the one that comes up with most of the ideas. Then there's Brayden he's the nerd of us always the one that will help us with our homework if we get stuck. Yes we are smart but can't be smart all the time ya know. Then there's Carter he's the ditzy one. Yeah he's smart it's just he doesn't seem to get some of the jokes we tell. They seem to fly right over his head and he doesn't get sarcasm either. He seriously take it serious. And then there's Kade he's the mushy sensitive one. Me I'm the quiet one. We are all known at school as the....wait for it.......the badasses. Cliche I know but I guess it our fault. We all hate school and most of the people there and we make sure everybody knows. We also have two girls that hang out with us but they're not in our immediate circle. They just mostly hang out with us during school in between classes and lunch or when we have a pack meeting or party. That's it. The five of us are pretty much together 24/7. None of us have found our mates yet won't be able to until we turn 18. I turn 18 tomorrow, Kade and Carter are already 18, Max the baby of us turns 18 in about 4 months and Brayden turns 18 in two weeks. After I get dresses for school I go downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning baby." my mom says. Yes she still calls me baby. Honestly I hate and love it.

"Morning mom." I grunt.

"Another wake call?" she laughs. She gets a kick out of my wake up calls. As she puts it 'at least I don't have to wake up your grumpy ass' she's fine with it. Okay so maybe I'm the nicest person to wake up in the mornings but do you really have to scream in my head. Jerk. I give her another grunt.

"I'm gonna put the fear into that boy."

"You did something. I swear I have never seen that boy run so fast out of this house before." she snickers shaking her head. Max lives with us so does Brayden. Max does because his parents were killed in a care accident just after we moved here and there was no way I was going to let him live by himself. Brayden does because him and his parents don't get along very well, now they do. It's the distance I guess. They just couldn't live together. Always and I mean always at each others throats. They didn't abuse him or anything they just constantly argued they couldn't even say hi without going at it. It's been that way since we were kids. Finally we both had enough and he moved in with us. Nobody knows why they are that way. I guess it's when you put people with the same attitude in a room together and they just seem to butt heads together. Like that I suppose.

His Mate.  (Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now