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as i woke up someone was at my door so i looked at the clock and it was 7am wait 1min i am coming I sed

as i opened the door it was olly i had no make up on and was in my pjs i went red

hi lucy you wanna come and have breakfast with me?

okay come in and set down and i will get ready would you like a drink olly ? yes plz lucy as i walked to the mini fridge to get some water out

so i got the water out and give olly one and i sed i am going to get ready so i ran and get my swimwear on and sum clothes on to walk around in and i walked out the bedroom and olly looked at me and sed i looked nice and he winked and got up and got my hand to walk me down

so as we walked to my door i picked up my bag and phone and letf my room still holding hand with olly all we did was talk and laff at eachother as we walked into the room to pick out the food we wanted

i picked pancakes and olly picked eggs and that

after getting what we wanted we sat to eat and talk about life and what we want to do

after we ate we walked to the pool and to get abit of a tan

we got sum beds for my family and his mates and layed down talking and waiting for them to cum down

its now 8.45 and olly mates have come to the pool and they am planing the day as they am doing that i get my clothes off and go for a swim

my family come down and call me over as i get out the pool they tell me they am going to eat after finding sum sunbeds

i have them over there for you all okay thanks sweetheart see you after okay mom, dad and ryan and they walked over to the sunbeds and jumped back in to the pool

after 5mins swimming olly jump in and came over to me talking about what he is going to do

today they am going to the pub to watch man u play

lucy do u wanna go to the beach for a hour

okay olly let go i got my clothes and whatsapp my mom telling her i was at the beach with olly and this mate for a hour befor he goes to watch the man u v liverpool match

so we walked down to the beach and had a lie down talking and having a laugh

we looked at the time and it was time to go so we packed up and he walked me back to the pool befor he went to the match and my dad started talking to him about the match and my mom would not let him go and she sed you can go if you like just do not be long me and the kids will stay here

me and my mom sed bye to them and they walked to the room to get ready and meet to get a taxi to town

so me and ryan went in the pool till lunch

my mom called me and ryan to get out for some food we got out and waited 5mins so we can get dry off

after we was dry we went and got some food i asked my mom what we are doing tomorrow?

SHOPPING with a big smile on her face


so we ate and went back to the pool i whatsapp katie and cloo telling them about olly and they want photos of him

after 3hours off my dad and olly leaving they come back happy i can see my that my dad was happy with olly he sed he was a nice lad that you can have laugh with him

and the winning team is liverpool 2 - 1 olly was gutted but he still had a good time with my dad and his mates

me, olly and his mates went and had a walk around the hotel and his mates went back to the room to get ready for dinner and clubbing on the nigth wish i could go out with you olly

after 45mins we walked to ollys room so he can have a shower and get ready to go and I got to wait 4 days till my birthday to go clubbing

I sed bye and have a good night to you all and walked out to my room to have a shower and meet my family for dinner and the show on the night

got to my room and lay on my bed for 5mins befor gettin in the shower I picked out my clothes that I was going to wear

I got out the shower and got ready my mom come over to my room and helped me do my hair and we met my dad and ryan and walk to dinner

after dinner we went to the bar befor the show started at 9 it was sister act me and ryan had a walk around and mom and dad at the bar

its 8.45pm and me and ryan walked back to mom and dad and walked to the show to take a sat and then it started

after the show mom and dad went back to the bar and I took ryan back to the room he is 15 so he can look after himself I lock the windows and got him in to bed and I left him for the night and then I sed night and walked out to go my room

walking to my room I was thinking about olly he going to be late back to night and god knows what time he will meet my by the swimming pool

I opened my door and my phone went off it was olly whatsapping me a picture of him and his mates having a gd time so I got my pjs on and sent him a picture of me in my pjs and they I went to sleep ready for the morning


I hope you are loving the book soooo farrr please

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and please go and read my 1st book I did on olly murs


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