part 7

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its the morning after olly still asleep I got up and looked in the mirror at my eye it hurts and bruising I went and got changed in the bathroom brushed my hair and put it in a high ponytail and walked in to the bedroom to see if olly awake he not so I got in to bed looking at him

I got on top of him and started kissing him all over this face to wake him up

morning sleepy head smiling at him and he kissed me and pulled me off him so he can be on top kissing me passionately

olly come on lets go can't we stay here here or in this position smiling at him well both smiling at me olly no we can't I would love to but a am hungry and going to see katie and ask her about last night with harry winking at him he got changed and walked to his room to get ready for a day by the pool

as olly went to get change I walked to katies room knock knock see opened to door she was half asleep I looked up to see harry getting ready I grabbed katies hand and pulled her put yhe room around the corner are you and harry together I sayed her she told me to shut up and go and she will tell me later

I walked to ollys room and knock the door he open the door and picked me up kissing me after putting me down I told him as he was still getting ready so she don't say nothing as he was with her getting dressed so she going to tell me later

so me and olly went to breakfast we plan on going shopping as katie and clo have not been mom and dad are staying at the beach today and going out for a meal so I will be looking after ryan as they go on a date they have not been on a date for years so I told them to go

so me and olly go in the pool for abit waiting for them to come down and have breakfast

after a hour they come down to go in for breakfast so me and olly get out to dry off

we ask for a taxi to take use all in to town the in one had the girls and in the other was the boys

we am in the taxi so I ask katie whats going on with her and harry more then friends I hope so we can double date to will be fun

I do like him he so nice, sweet, caring and a good listener you dont seen that much in guys he going to take me on a date tonight so I nice to look nice will I can do your hair and makeup and we can pick you up a dress today I no a nice shop I got one from her and olly got me one too

okay thats great thanks girl your the best friends I can ask for lucy you like olly dont you yhh I do he cheeky, cute, caring and funny its like I known him forever so clo what about you got your eye on danny? winking at her she went red in the face I like him but dont know if he likes me we got on so good aswel we have some fun wen we am together lets see what happens it may it may not

we got to town meet the boys and walked round I told olly I will meet him at the bar in a hour got to take katie and clo somewhere first so I kissed him on the cheek and went to walk away till he pulls me back a kissies me on the lip

we walk to the shop and have a look round for katie she picks up this dress and tryed it on she walk out wearing it she looks beautiful match her eyes so well me and clo told her to get it so she get dressed and pays for it and we walk to the bar to meet olly and that

we get to the pub and the football was on so I text olly meet you after the match we am going shopping he txted back okay be safe if you need me text me :) 

we went shopping for about 2 hours and olly texts me asking were are we they am waiting was having fun talking and shopping that we lost track of time I text him saying we am on our way back and I have got you 2 things

we got to the pub and olly and that came up to us he sed hi to us and kissed me so what you got me then with his cheeky face

you will have to wait and see but I no you will like it smiling at him we all went bavk to the holet and got ready for the night olly staying in my room so he got ready with me

we all meet at the bar be for we went and had dinner we was just waiting for james its not like him to be late so me and olly had a wslk to his room yo see if he was there he opened the door and too our surprise he was with a girl olly went you coming mate we am waiting for you dy the bar bring your lady friend with you and we walked back

after 20mins they come bown and james sed hi I would like you to meet brook we all sed hi and welcomed her we was wslking round katie and vlo getting to no her so I wslked to james to see if he was ok and that and I sed I think she will fit in with a smile on my face he smiled back and olly come over to me asked me why I was not talking to her I sed I will but see got enough to deal with as katie and clo was with her give her time its new to her and I kissed his cheek

we held hands and walk to the tables to eat we was all talking so I looked to brook she was quite and told her to join in so I asked her were are you from? she sed Staffordshire were in Staffordshire? cannock area she sed I lived hednesford area b4 I moved to Wolverhampton area so not that far

I picked up my drink and sed to brook and new friends

"CHEERS" we all sed

after tea I sed I was going back to my room as my head hurts see you all tomorrow and you brook and smiled at her

olly came running over to me to check me out as  he was worried

olly I am ok do you want your gifts now or not and kissed him come on and I ran to the room

we walking in I grab the bag and me pjs and went to the bathroom I went to my bag and got out some sexy lingerie out and put it on and I got him a watch too

I called olly and sed are you ready to see what I git for you katie anc clo helped mh pick it so tomorrow you need to thank them I wslked out the bathroom he was shocked I will definitely thank them tomorrow he walked up to me and picked me up kissing me passionately and I put my legs around him till he put me down and I started to undress him as he did the same to me .......................................

the next couple of day we stayed at the holet with my family and we was going to the show tho

we lay by the pool, went for a swim and just messed about alot but it was fun I like doing stuff like that and with my family


☆★☆ hope you am liking my book plz vote and comment for more thanks naii☆★☆

what do you thinkm is going to happen in it and what would you like to happen I got some ideas but just got to wait and see ♡♥♡

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