You Deserve My Love

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Shoutout to _opheliac for this idea, it's her fault.

(Scott POV)

Mitch's phone rang from where it was laying on the table.  Instinctually, I reached out to see who was calling before taking it to Mitch.  Now, I don't claim to know everyone in Mitch's life, he's a popular boy but I tend to know the people who usually call him and this was not a name I recognised.

"Babe?  Someone called Matt is calling?" I shouted to Mitch who was pottering about the kitchen making dinner.

I heard a clatter of a pot and a muttered 'shit' before he came flying around the corner, trying to school his features into some form of normality.  It didn't quite work, his eyes were still unnaturally wide.

"Oh, em... okay."  By the time he reached to take the device from my out stretched hand, it had stopped ringing.  "That's okay, I'll just call him back later.  It's not important," he rambled, frantically scrolling and tapping the screen of his phone.

"Okay...  oh, what's for dinner, by the way?  I'm starving," I moaned, rubbing my stomach for emphasis. 

"You're always starving," he laughed.  "We're having lasagna."

My favourite.  "You love me."

"That I do," he smiled lightly before heading back to the kitchen, his phone still clutched tightly in his hand.

It was only a few days later when this Matt guy called again.

Mitch was tucked under my arm, cranky and eyes still heavy with sleep, as we snuggled on the couch on a lazy Saturday morning, Coral curled up at his feet.  It was still fairly early, neither of our kids were even awake yet but Mitch's phone had been buzzing non stop with texts and now a phone call. He abruptly sat up, leaving a chill to replace the warmth he was providing me with.

"I'll just take this outside," he spoke quickly, already heading for the patio doors across the room.

He didn't leave me any chance to question him but neither did Avia, the newest addition to our family who was crying out from her crib. Duty calls and all my attention shifted from my boyfriend to my daughter.

I heaved myself up from the couch and trudged down the hallway to the nursery at the far end. Avia was already standing up, gripping onto the bars of her crib as tightly as she could muster. Her face was bright red from the exertion of screaming so loud and her tiny blonde curls were sticking up in every which way.

"Hey baby girl, what's wrong with you this morning, hm?"

I picked the toddler up and cradled her to my chest, stroking her head lightly and gently swaying side to side. Her cries quickly turned to hiccuped sobs. She just liked having attention on her, such a daddy's girl. Mitch always scolded me for giving in to her every time she so much as squeaked but as someone as needy as myself, I could relate to her so it was hard not to. I would give either of my baby girls the world in a heartbeat if I could.

"Daddy," she sniffed wiping her face on my t-shirt.

"Hi, princess. Are you hungry?"

I felt her head subtly nodding up and down against my chest and I headed to the kitchen with her face now buried in my neck.

"Good morning, dad!" Lily greeted just as I set Avia in her high chair.

I passed by her on my way to the fridge and kissed her forehead. "Good morning, Lilybug. Sleep well?"

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