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One. Two. One. Two. I paced myself. In. Out. In. out. I controlled my breathing. My legs burn. At least you're feeling something my subconscious tells me. Nothing like a good run to escape the craziness around you. I remember when I first moved to London 2 years ago. I was so happy to have found a park for my morning runs. The weather had not changed a bit. It is currently raining but I can't complain, the cold drops soak my sweater, feeling great on my burning skin.

I finally make it back to my apartment a bit out of breath. I quickly enter my building and walk past by my concierge towards the elevator.

"Good morning Ms. Steele. Didn't see you go out this morning." A frown on his face.

Howard owned the building, but since he's known my family for a long time, he let me have the penthouse. He's such a sweetheart so for him to frown at me, I must've fucked up.

"Morning. I slipped by the backdoor; had some boxes I was throwing away." I smiled doing my best to sound convincing.  He gave me a skeptical look and shook his head.

"Oh really? Well I could've done that for you." I knew he knew I didn't stay at my place last night. It really didn't help my case that Howard looked after me as if I was his own daughter.

"I'll let you know next time."

The elevator doors closed before he could say another word. My nightly activities could not be known by anyone. I stepped off at the last floor of the building, 20th. Walking past other rooms, I got to my penthouse. I held my hand on the doorknob letting it read my digital prints. I looked straight at the peephole for the iris recognition. The door unlocks with a click and I can finally enter my apartment. Closing the door after me, the security alarm beeped twice letting me know that it was activated again. I walked to the bulletproof windows and looked out. Everything looked fine, no unusual activity. Good.

I walk towards the master room. I need a shower. This has been my life for the past two years. No one can know of my whereabouts. No one could know what I did in the dark. No one can know that I, Leila Steele, was ¼ of the most powerful mafia in North America. No one can know that I killed a man last night.

A/N: HELLOOOO. Welcome to One Last Time. This isONLY for entertainment purposes. Feel free to vote, comment, write to me. Iwill answer you I promise. Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyedwriting it. Also please note that this story WILL include MATURE CONTENT. That meansthere will be cursing, fighting, violent scenes, sexual content and all thatother mature stuff. If you don't like any of those things, this story is notfor you. On that note, have fun. And again, if you have anything at all youwant to say, go ahead.

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