Chapter 1

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Ariella POV

"Come on, Sherlock!" I said walking into my brothers room and opening the blinds to the harsh sunlight. "Myc is here and wants to go, you know how he is and how busy he is. We're lucky he found the time to come with us today. If we keep him waiting he will just go." I sat on his bed shaking him.

"Elllaaaa!" Sherlock said groaning, rolling over.

"Please Sherlock!" I pleaded slightly, pouting. Not that Sherlock could see he had put his pillow on top of his head.

"Ugghh, fine." He groaned again. "But only for you. Do not be under the impression it's for Mycrofts benefit." I grinned and hugged him.

I ran through the maze, known as a house, to meet my eldest brother at the bottom of the stairs.

"Is he coming? I have a meeting with the prime minister at 3. I have just enough time to take you two to get your supplies and for lunch, before I need to go. At the rate Sherlock is going though, lunch may be cancelled." Mycroft said sourly, looking at his watch. Just as he said that, Sherlock came down the stairs casually as if he had been ready for hours.

"No need to stress, Mycroft. I am here." Sherlock said formal as usual.

"It's a good job, little brother, we were just about to leave without you." Mycroft said.

"No you weren't. Ariella wouldn't let you for starters. There is also the fact that you

are nowhere near the travelling room and are still waiting at the stairs for me." Sherlock said smirking.

"You're improving Sherlock. Not as good as me, but you're improving." Mycroft said. That is as close as congratulations and brotherly love that Sherlock and Mycroft get. I smiled slightly.

"Come on then boys, I want to get my wand." I said excitedly.

Both of my brothers rolled their eyes at me, but started to walk towards the door anyhow. I skipped ahead of them slightly, excited about Hogwarts and getting my wand.

"Okay. Ariella, you come with me, are you alright to go by yourself Sherlock?" Mycroft asked. I thought about objecting about not getting the chance to go by myself, but I never really liked travelling by floo. Mum has this rule that except in extreme circumstances, we are not allowed to apparate until we are of age.

"Of course I am." Sherlock didn't really like the floo either, but he didn't want Mycroft to know this fact.

"Myc. Why don't Sherlock and I go together? We're smaller, so it may be easier anyway. Plus then there is more space for your umbrella." I was smirking by the end.

"Very well. You two go first then." Mycroft said, if he was annoyed about my response then he was hiding it well. Then again, he doesn't get the nickname 'The Iceman' for nothing.

I took Sherlock's hand and we stepped into the fire. He put his arm around my shoulders and leant down to whisper in my ear.

"Thank you." Sherlock doesn't say thank you or show weakness very much so it lifted my mood even more. I smiled up at him as he threw the powder below us and shouted 'Diagon Alley.'

I shut my eyes tightly and leant into Sherlock, who tightened his grip on my shoulders. Suddenly, we stopped spinning and we stepped out into the leaky cauldron. I saw some people I recognised including the gamekeeper, Hagrid, who had a crowd around him although I don't think it was for Hagrid. I saw Sherlock with a tense look on his face, clearly trying to figure out why the crowd was there.

Mycroft quickly arrived and we quickly left the crowd at the leaky cauldron. We got our potions equipment and ingredients first, followed by all our books and a telescope. The only things left were a wand, our uniform and an animal. Mycroft had already agreed to buy both me and Sherlock an animal of our choosing.

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