Chapter 4

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Scarlett POV

Summer at the Holmes household was nothing like I had ever experienced. Mrs Holmes, although kind, just left us be and we rarely saw Mrs Holmes. Mycroft came over every day, even if he didn't stay very long, he ensured that we knew that if we needed anything we could contact him in emergency's and he would come. It was brilliant! We knew that there were people around if we needed them and that Mycroft was only a call away, but we were given our own space. Ariella and I had grown very close and we now considered each other sisters. It helped that we could read each other's minds, but as well as this, Harry had come out of his shell more. Sherlock had spent some time with him, and we aren't sure what he did, but he had changed Harry for the better.

During my stay at the Holmes', it came too Ariella's birthday. I could tell she was excited to be eleven. I went out with Harry to buy a gift for Ariella. Recently I had learnt that she loved to read and was very intelligent so I decided to get her some books on magical history and music. Harry got her some candy and some food for her phoenix which she called Harmony and mine was called Flint. If you didn't know mine is a boy fire Phoenix. The name flint means spark and he loves to spark all the time.

When we gave her the gifts she was practically bouncing of the walls she was so happy. She was given a new guitar from Sherlock (she plays guitar and piano) and she was taken to see Wicked by her parents. We got to go to which was a bonus! She was completely spoiled by Mycroft and got loads of things from him including an umbrella. We all laughed at that one.

But all good things have to come to an end. However sometimes there are greater things ahead and tomorrow is the day that we go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and I'm all packed and ready to go. I'm so excited. So there I am in my bed at the Holmes house waiting for tomorrow. I know it will be an fantastic year or so I thought...


It turns out I didn't need an alarm clock. I woke up to Ariella jumping on my bed and screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Get Up! We are going to Hogwarts!" she practically screamed in my face.

"Thanks for the wake up call although i'm pretty sure you just woke up the whole street" I say refusing to get out of the comfy bed.

"Fine you leave me no choice," she replied now sitting on my bed.

'GET UP' she said in he mind to me so loud that I rolled out of bed and onto the floor.

"Ouch!" I say and Ariella just bursts into a fit of giggles, which I am not very amused by.

"Come on, Mycroft will want us to leave in an hour." Ariella said. I jumped off the floor and grabbed some clothes from my wardrobe and followed Ariella to the kitchen to get breakfast. At the table Sherlock was looking through a microscope, this was a regular thing and Harry was desperately trying to make conversation with him.

"What house do you think you'll be in?" Ariella asked me nibbling on a piece of toast.

"House?" What on earth is she talking about.

"Of course how silly of me, I didn't tell you that there are four houses. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. My whole family were in Ravenclaw." She said smiling slightly.

"Are family always in the same house? I have no idea what house my parents were in." I asked.

"People are often in the same house, it often depends on how they were raised. There are some families that you just presume will be in a particular house. Malfoy's are usually Slytherin, Weasley's are Gryffindors, Diggory's are Hufflepuffs and as I already said Holmes' are Ravenclaws. It doesn't always work though. Your parents were Gryffindors."

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