chapter 7

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"Dont you think its a bit wierd that stacey had buisness to do?" I said to Fin.

"I dunno" I swear that his favourite saying. I smirked at him and went into his livng room with a bottle of Dr Pepper. YUM YUM. Liam came and sat next to me on one of the sofa's. "Where's Kit?"

"Dad" I nodded, Kit's dad was in hospital because he was really ill, so Kit goes to visit him a lot.

"What you wanna watch?" asked Fin.

"I know! Avatar!" I said

"Great" said Liam. Fin went to the dvd cabinet and went on a hunt to find the disk.

"Err Nel, can I talk to you for a sec?" asked Olly. I patted the seat next to me. "Alone"

"Oh, ok"  I stood up and gave him a quizical look. He dragged me into the hallway.

"Nel im sorry about earlier, it was wrong what I said." Ilookedup the staircase. "NEl?"

"What?" I snapped.

"Im sorry its just, mom found out ive been goin to Willow's house most nights instead of Liam's house. She went apsalutley balistic and I guess I just took my anger out on you." He smiled apoligeticly then looked at my lips. I went to walk away but he dragged me back over and kissed me. I didn't realize what was happening and pushed him away. He baged his head on the banister and fell over. I ran into the living room. "Help Me!"

"Whats wrong?" They said in unison.

"I think Im gonna faint." The both came running to me and Fin catched my head before it hit the ground.

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