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          Heavy pawsteps echoed through the thick, blackened forest. Sticking out like a black rabbit in the snow, a tall, thick furred white tom stepped through the forest, his eyes narrowed as he walked through the dark forest. His amber eyes not wavering from their path, his lynx fluffed ears twitched as he walked with confidence through the forest, stopping at a clearing. Sitting down the tom curled his tail over his unsheathed paws, watching the rock in front of him, stains of blood and claw marks littered the rock, which was at least a half a tree length high. The stench of death and sickness filled the tom's nose, causing him to twitch, the scent was always shocking, despite how long he had been visiting this forest.

        In front of him, a few blackened bushes twitched, causing the white tom to tense up. A black head poked out of the bushes, barely visible behind the black background, the only recognizable part of this cat was the massive scars across his body, and the massive gash across his neck, dried blood clung to the wound, and the putrid scent of dead flesh smelt worse than the forest itself. His green eyes narrowing slightly, the black tom leaped from the bushes and climbed the rock, sitting down on the tom, his crooked tail laying on his paws, the bent part of his tail pointing right at the black tom's muzzle. Whiskers twitching in annoyance the tom snarled.

          "What is it Whiteleaf, make it quick, I happen to be quite busy right now."

          Snorting Whiteleaf licked his paw and raked it across his ear. "With what? Trying to have kin with that loner in Medowclan territory? Good luck...But I have some pleasant news." Whiteleaf noted the perking of the dead cat's ears as he spoke, waiting for the tom to respond, Whiteleaf stood, smirking. "I have kits now, they are strong enough to continue our plan to rule these woods, Blackstar I know we'll become the strongest clan again!"

          Blackstar narrowed his eyes, snarling. "I will be the judge of these kin of yours. And I'll have you know, she's going to have kits, my kits, I can feel their life like I can feel this slash!" The tom unsheathed his claws, stamping his paw down onto the ground, before narrowing his eyes at Whiteleaf. "I have a assignment for you to do actually....You see, in order to create a perfect clan, we need spies in other clans...I want you to be the one to gather up the cats we need. At least one in each clan, remember, we'll create the strongest clan! All seven of them, under one rule! We will be a force to be reckoned with!" The tom yowled, the trees shaking with his declaration, bats flew out from behind him, circling the clearing as if being called from the yowl. Whiteleaf stood up proudly, smirking as he watched his leader yowl, joining in, their calls echoing through the forest, the bats joined in, as well as the faint sounds of more cats calling out.

          "Today, marks a new age of the forest!! Today, marks the end for all clans!"

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