Chapter One

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          "That's it Shrewkit, remember to keep your claws sheathed. Specklekit! Roll with the dodges, you don't want a cat to leap out of nowhere and attack you do you?"

          Blizzardkit watched in longing as Shrewkit and Specklekit were play training with their father, Snowstar. Blizzardkit was only a moon old, but he had yet to even see his father. Those kits got to see their father every day! And he was clan leader no less! Blizzardkit watched quietly as Shrewkit let out a series of swipes at his brother's face, who rolled to the left, leaping at the tom-kit, the two gray kits soon got into a wrestling match, trying to pin each other down. Snowstar curled his tail neatly around his paws, watching intently to the practice battle his kits were in, pride shining in his eyes.

          The SnowClan camp was tucked neatly half way into a deeply set cave, massive stones hung low on the ceiling above. The pure white snow outside made the gray stones out beyond the camp blend in. Despite it being green-leaf, SnowClan camp was always covered in snow. The nursery, unlike the warriors and apprentice den, was tucked into one of the small outcoves that littered the left side of the camp, warriors and apprentices slept out in the cave, with their nests stuck in the far back, the apprentices on the right, warriors on the left. Above, in the tops of the caves were mysterious things that seemed to point down towards the cats, almost seeming from the heavens as water would occasionally drip from its rigid tips. Outside the cave, a hunting patrol was returning, consisting of Breezeclaw and Thistleberry, as well as their apprentices, Robinpaw and Eaglepaw, who all had plump impressive prey that smelt like pine forests. Eaglepaw was gloating about the squirrel he had caught, which laid across his back as he carried a small mouse in his jaws by its tail.

          "...And it ran towards its tree, it was so fast I thought I had lost it! But it's branch broke, and it came falling down!" The apprentice crowed as he came within earshot of Blizzardkit. "I caught it as it was falling and killed it fleet! I bet you Snowstar or Ivywhisker are bound to make me a warrior now!"

          "As if," Robinpaw snorted, pushing him playfully, which caused his squirrel to fall off his short spine. "You're only eight moons old!"

          "My squirrel!" Eaglepaw bellowed briefly as if he'd just seen one of his clanmates being murdered in front of his very eyes.

          Blizzardkit yelped as he felt his sister leap onto his back, pinning him down with a purr. "Got you!" she cheered.

          Blizzardkit glanced back at his sister, Batkit, who was standing on the tom's back proudly. Batkit and Blizzardkit looked nothing alike, the male was a pure white cat like his father, with bright yellow eyes, the kit, despite being the first born, was the runt of the litter, which made him look a half a moon younger than his true age. Batkit on the other paw, was massive for her age, making her look at least a moon older than she truly was! The she-kit's pelt was pitch black with hints of brown specks on her face under her eyes, with huge ears and tufts of fur on the tips of her ears and her eyes were a brilliant blue color like the sky. Batkit put a paw on top of her littermate's head, yowling in triumph. "I defeated the mighty, Blizzardkit!"

          "Oh haha, get off me Batkit!" Blizzardkit mewed sarcastically, and surged upwards, making his sister yelp and fall onto her back behind him. Turning, Blizzardkit narrowed his eyes. "I'm trying to watch Shrewkit and Specklekit battle!"

          "Watching a battle is borrring!" Batkit dragged out and whined, sitting up, her hind legs out stretched and paws pointing upwards. "I'd rather fight in the battle!" Before Blizzardkit could react, Batkit leaped out of the nursery and charged over to the two kits, slamming into their battles, causing all three kits to tumble and fall.

          The watchful tom-kit winced, covering his eyes with his paws. Why did his sibling have to ruin everything! Blizzardkit thought bitterly, he was enjoying watching the battle, and he was even learning some battle moves for future reference! The kit snarled to himself as he watched, Batkit titter and swat at the much older and larger apprentices. That kit loved to mess around too much!

          "Why don't you go out and play with, Batkit?" Blizzardkit jumped as their mother, Sagefoot, walked up to him. Looking up, Blizzardkit felt a surge of affection as he looked at his caretaker. Sagefoot was a strong and powerful warrior, and she was respected among her clanmates.

          "She ruins everything," Blizzardkit said quietly. "She's always running into things I like to watch or ruin games."

          "She's your sister." Sagefoot leaned her head down, licking in between his ears, "Cats throughout your life will ruin just about anything you've planned for, but it's up to you to rise above the challenges Starclan gives us. It's up to us to keep the clan alive and thriving. Now, I'm going to eat, I don't want my sweet little Blizzard to be all alone. Go explore the camp with Batkit."

          Blizzardkit nodded, sighing he started to stand, purring loudly as Sagefoot rubbed up against his face with her own before leaving towards the prey pile. Blizzardkit watched as Sagefoot walked, trying to copy her stance, he found it hard to keep up with her massive steps. Blizzardkit jerked his head up as he heard Batkit squeal, Shrewkit had leapt onto her, pawing at her face as she tried to bite back, Specklekit joined in with Shrewkit, teaming up on Batkit, causing her to back up and growl playfully. Blizzardkit narrowed his eyes, crouching down, he shook his hindquarters and pounced towards Specklekit, laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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