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His hand froze on the door hinge as he watched her disappear into the shadow of the building. His heart pressing into his skin as if it was trying to escape from his chest. He watched as she came into view once more, her coral dress glowing in the café window as the waiter helped her into her seat handing her a menu. She smiled and thanked him tossing her hair over her shoulder as she sipped on her drink her eyes scanning the room.

She was searching for him, he knew it and it made his heart flutter but he remained frozen in his driver seat. He willed himself to move, to get up the guts and walk in to that café but he couldn’t. He just sat there watching.

The minutes ticked by, slowly as he watched her sit alone.

Dammit. Zayn swore under his breath.

He watched her check her phone as she continued to search around the restaurant looking for him her hope of seeing him fade as the hours passed by until she rose from her seat thanking the waiter as she left the restaurant alone.

She hung her head as she left the building watching her feet as she walked to her car. Zayn watched her go feeling numb as he mentally cursed himself. Elizabeth climbed into her car sitting in the driver’s seat for a moment before she drove off leaving Zayn behind in his SUV.

“Why didn’t you go in?” Perrie asked from the passenger seat startling Zayn with her presence.

“Why do you have to sneak up on me like that?” Zayn huffed turning his attention to her.

“I asked first.” Perrie smirked but her smile faded when she saw no smile on his face. “So Zayn, why didn’t you go inside?”

“I couldn’t.” Zayn whispered sadly as Perrie reached over placing her hand on his leg waiting for him to continue. “I felt guilty.”

“Because of me?” Perrie asked.

“How can I promise to love her when I still love you?”

“Love her? Are you saying you love her?” Perrie asked.

“I’m saying that I love you.”

“You can’t love me anymore.” She said sadly.

“Who wrote that in the rule book?” Zayn laughed smiling as he held her hand in his on his lap. Perrie smiled weakly before tugging her hand from his.

“You can’t love me. I’m not yours anymore.”

“You will always be the love of my life. Nothing will change that.”

“You have to let me go dammit. I’m not here for you anymore.”

“Per, I can’t do this without you, I’m nothing without you.”

“The only reason I came to visit is to tell you this is going to be my last visit. I came to say goodbye.” Perrie cried.

“No. No, you can’t.”  

“Please don’t do this. It’s time to move on.” Her voice was steady and calm as she put her hand in his, the rain from outside the car beat down hard on the windshield.

“You can’t just abandon me. Not again.” Zayn cried, big crocodile tears dropping down his cheeks as he tried to hide them from her. “I need you.”

“I can’t be exactly what you need anymore.”

 “When I’m not with you I’m weaker. Is that so wrong? You make me strong.” Zayn cried as she kissed his lips holding on to him tightly as he wept.

“You don’t need me anymore. You have to be strong on your own now.” She whispered out still holding on to him tightly. “I have to go. Just give me one last kiss.”

The moment his lips touched hers he could feel her disappearing in front of him. It was like her lips were draining her love from him reminding him that she wasn’t really here that she had really be gone this whole time. Her lips finally left him, but he kept his eyes closed knowing that she was gone, and that he was really alone for the first time in almost a year. He didn’t want to let her go but he had to open his eyes and face the world now.

Even if he was on his own.

He started the car pushing it into gear knowing he had only one place to go as he drove away from the restaurant that he never went in.

The city streets were crowded as he mazed out of downtown finally breaking out into the open road leaving the bustling city behind him. The rain crashed down on the windshield leaving fat drops on the window as his wipers worked extra hard to keep up. The radio played softly in the background as he drove his mind on his conversation with Perrie still.

The drive didn’t take long and before he knew it he turned into the familiar driveway. The car groaned to a stop as he turned off the engine leaving the key in the ignition. Rubbing his eyes with his hands he rested his head on the steering wheel as his tears streaked down his face.

How could she leave him here? All alone.

He felt his heart rate rise as his anger replaced his pain. He grabbed the thick of the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white as he ferociously yelled trying to rip the wheel off its hinges.

He screamed until he was hollow inside. Bare and empty of all emotion.

He tugged his keys out of the ignition stepping out of the car as he made his way across the drive through. The rain soaking him as he stood on the step waiting for the door to open. 

Hold Me  (Sequel to Save Me) A One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now