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Stumbling sleepily around the room Niall gathered his clothes strewn about from the week he’d spent in Ireland. It was a mess but he’d become a pro at packing in these short 4 years on the road. He hummed happily as he folded his clothes haphazardly shoving them into each crevice of his suitcase, his ring catching the light every so often making it hard to focus on anything but the tiny gold band. He twirled it lovingly on his skin feeling the warmth in it as he played with it forgetting his packing.

“Babe, you are distracting yourself aren’t you?” Liam asked from the doorway as he poked his head in watching Niall from behind.

Niall smiled as he turned to Liam. “It’s just so shiny. I can’t stop looking at it.” He admitted happily.

“I’m glad you like it.” Liam grinned as he watched the blond standing across the room from him.

“I love it almost as much as the man who gave it to me.” Niall said sweetly.

“I love you too babe.” Liam breathed softly as he blew a kiss to him, Niall caught it happily. “Come on, your mother says breakfasts on.” He informed him as he smiled leaving the room.

A few minutes later Niall zipped the suitcase shut succeeding in fitting everything he had inside as he tugged the heavy bag out behind him down the hallway. He stacked it by the front door as he made his way to the kitchen smelling the bacon cooking in the frying pan.

“Morning.” He greeted his mum and dad entering into the room. He sat beside Liam who was sipping on a glass of orange juice as he scrolled his thumb across the screen of his phone.

“Hi, honey!” Maura greeting him sweetly as she poured him a glass of orange juice too. Bobby glanced over his large newspaper nodding in Niall’s direction as his sign of greeting before falling behind it once again. “You hungry?” Maura asked both Niall and Liam who nodded as she handed them both large plates of bacon and eggs.

Niall dug into it without hesitation as Liam thanked her for her hospitality.

The car horn honked just as they finished eating as Niall peered out the window. “That’ll be our cab then.” He announced as he and Liam stood gathering up their belongings.

Maura hugged Liam holding on to him tightly. “It was wonderful to see you darling. So glad we get to welcome you into the family.” She whispered in his ear comfortingly as Liam clinged to her a little tighter thankful for her love.

“Thank you for letting me stay.” Liam whispered back. “And for being so welcoming and understanding. It really does mean a lot.”

Liam and Niall switched as Niall hugged his mother while Liam shook Bobby’s hand.

“You be good to him!” He warned lovingly. Liam smiled.

“No problem Sir.” Liam answered obediently. “Thank you… for everything.” Liam said kindly.

Bobby smiled tugging him into a hug. “You’re welcome son.” He whispered caringly as his voice hitched on the last word. Liam felt his heart swell with pride from his acceptance into the family, he gulped trying to keep his tears at bay.

“Liam?” Niall asked as they broke out of their hug, Liam turned to him. “You ready?” Liam smiled nodding as they walked hand in hand out the door to the cab.

It didn’t take long as they soon piled out of the cab making their way in to the airport. Liam made his way over to the counter pulling out his and Niall’s ticket. He handed it to the red haired man who read the ticket silently.

“Right, Mr. Payne and Mr. Horan. This way please.” He said walking out from behind the counter as he walked in front of them mazing between the blocks of people. They followed him easily as he used his scan card to open a locked door before shutting it behind them. A woman greeted him in the room as she smiled kindly at Liam and Niall.

Hold Me  (Sequel to Save Me) A One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now