Hidden Lies within the Kingdom: Chapter 19

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 Her Identity Revealed

*~*~*~Morph's Point of View*~*~*~

"They won't kill me."


I hope they won't kill me is what I should have said but saying that wouldn't help me. After saying that, Benton was convinced and he left. Finally! I continued down the steps. I made each step loud. I made it apparent that I was on my way.

"Men prepare your fire!" the leader shouted. Why shout it? It would make someone run away if they heard that.

"Men. Hold your fire!" I shouted back. If the leader gets to yell then so can I! Hundreds of steps pounded against the stairs. Now they know that I'm female and that I speak Larithian.

"Who is it?!" the leader yelled. We were about to meet when the leader simply said, "Stop."

I could tell he was the one who continued walking. And when I heard him loud and clear he inhaled deeply, in shock.

"Princess Mimi!?" With that name the soldiers went running.

"What is going on here?"  I said. The leader was hesitant.

"I am Commander Hancock Zimmer, the one leading this group of 50 men here. Please, something terrible has happened!"


"Haven't you heard the news?" he was nervous. When I put my hand out he immediately grabbed it.

"What happened?" his cold hand started shaking. He made a weird sound.

"Spies" was all I was able to understand.

"There were spies?"

"Th-they....took out...." he couldn't finish. He bawled in tears.

Never in my life has something like this has happened to me right in front of me. Hancock, his 50 some men, cried like babies. I've heard my dad cry before but, hearing all these grown men was quite a sight. A sight? ....Nevermind

"Lucian!" I heard a man say. Lucian? What about Lucian?

Everyone started desperately clawing at the wall, their weapons hit the ground, screaming his name.

"Are you guys saying that...Lucian is gone? My Luciano?" The Commander embraced me, rather aggressively. Lucian is dead?

_Reid's Point of View_

What is going on?

I was yet, in another argument with Dante when I heard guns being fired off. The guards broke into sections. Some guarded, others went to investigate the problem. Most stayed to "protect" me.

"I wonder what's going on out there?" Knight asked.

"I wanna know too" I said, "hey guard, pull back the guys and have them lead the invaders here. I wanna talk to them."

"Are you sure Reid, sir?" He was confused.

"Yes! Stop asking questions. You're delaying the inevitable" The guard nodded quickly and ran off talking into his walkie talkie.

"Hey failed Prince, need a translator?" Dante offered. I stuck my thumb between my index finger and my middle finger and waved it up and down. I heard it's a Korean way of flipping someone off.

"I can handle it myself, sit back, you slave"

Dante and I went at it as usual. We argued for 10 minutes straight. We didn't even noticed a whole bunch of troops swarmed in.

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