» Chapter 1 «

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Mini Ladd

       I can't remember a day I haven't been afraid. I can't remember a day I've been able to relax and enjoy myself. I can't remember a day I haven't had to look over my shoulder every two or three steps I take. They could be anywhere. Watching me. Waiting for me to let my guard down. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

They took everything I had away from me. My friends and my family. Gone like the wind. They let their guard down. They let themselves get caught. They just let it happen. They were tired of running and wanted to stand up for themselves, but look where it got them. Look where it got me... If we had just kept running like always we would all be alive now, not just me.

The Hunters have been on my tail ever since that day. I've had to completely leave society to get away from them, yet they're still trying to get me. Why are they so persistent about catching me? There are several other Hybrids they could be after, but they insist on catching me. Why?

The sound of a tree branch snapping brings me back into reality. I jump in surprise, almost falling off the tree branch I've been daydreaming on. I look over to the noise to see nothing. Maybe it's just my mind toying with me... Yeah, that's probably what it is.

Another snap followed by the sound of voices fills my ears, startling me. I gasp before turning into a fox and scrambling down the tree, hiding behind it. "Do you think he's over here?" A voice asks. "Positive. This place reeks of Hybrids." Another voice states with a huff. "Well where is he then?" "He's around here somewhere, I'm sure of it."

Shit. They found me again. Would it kill them to take a break and just leave me alone??? Apparently it would judging from their stubbornness and persistency. I need to get out of here before they catch me.

Just as I'm about to turn around to make my escape, I hear a voice behind me. "Hey boys, the Hybrid couldn't be this little fox over here, could it?" A man asks sarcastically. I slowly turn around to be faced with a large, intimidating man. He towards over me with a sinister grin on his face. The sound of two sets of footsteps grow closer as my mind begins to race. What do I do? Where do I run? I have no where to go! I'm trapped!

I hiss and tuck my ears back defensively. The two other men appear in front of me with similar grins. "I don't know, let's scan him~" I slowly back up until I hit the tree, still hissing. One of the men hold out a large, hand-held device. He waves it around me a couple of times until the device is finished scanning me. The light on top of it beeps and turns green, indicating I'm a Hybrid. They all smile evilly at me as they begin to grab their weapons so they can detain me, but I have other plans.

I jump at one of them, clawing at their face. The man stumbles back, screaming and struggling to pull me off. Each time his hand came by to swipe me away, I dug my nails deeper into his skin. When I was finished I jumped over to the next guy and did the same to him. Before I could finish my work, I feel a pair of hands jerk me off of him.

I turn back into a human and elbow him in the face, making his grip on me loosen. I jerk out of his hold and continue to beat up the man. As I'm distracted, I feel a striking pain in my head. I collapse to the ground with a groan, half conscious. "Feisty aren't we, little fella?" One of the Hunters say teasingly. I let out a low, raspy growl as I try my best to crawl away. Before I can get anywhere, I feel two of them grab my arms, cuffing them behind my back and dragging me away.

What are they going to do to me?

Hai ❤️ This is my first chapter to my first book, so I'm sorry if it's bad! I'm going to work as hard as I can to update this regularly like most of the people on Wattpad :3 I hope you like it and tell me what you think is going to happen in the comments below 😁

On the Run    »MiniCat«Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora