Chapter 01

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A calm silence shrouded the forest. The crackling flames of a single campfire made the only sound as it illuminated the small clearing. There, a woman rested, a hood draped over her bowed head in spite of the summer night. The slits of her dark dress exposed her slender legs as she struggled to stand.

A hand grasped her own, its bronzed skin a stark contrast to her pale complexion. She lifted her eyes to the man it belonged to and met his concerned gaze. Even through the shadow of his hood, his icy-blue eyes never failed to radiate warmth. The irony tugged a grin on her face.

"How's your ankle?" he asked.

"It still hurts," she answered. "I can't go on."

"The fire should keep the wild animals away." The man cupped her face, his rough hands against her soft skin. "I'll go to the village and get help."

The woman swallowed back a knot in her throat. "I'll wait for you, my love." She embraced him and a whimper slipped between her lips as his strong arms wrapped around her waist. However, her calm lasted only a few seconds. "But what about the inukonjou? What if it... what if..."

The man pulled away, his fingers gripping her shoulders while his eyes held her gaze. "They're just rumors. Those vile beasts will not come near you." As if convincing himself, he glanced towards the dark brush. A sudden breeze howled in response, its high-pitched whistle rustling the leaves. He let out a defeated sigh and got to his feet. "Keep your mind at ease. I will return as fast as I can."

The woman started to protest, but snapped her mouth shut before any words could escape. Instead, she watched him vanish into the thicket. His footsteps faded away, and panic began to rise from the pit of her stomach. Her breath hitched. Her heartbeat pounded against her ribcage. Harmless shadows tormented her.

She steadied her shuddering lips between her teeth. Her mind slowly settled and her eyes focused on the campfire. Hypnotized by the dancing flames, the woman soon forgot that she was alone in the middle of a dark forest.

A sudden bellow of rancid breath extinguished the fire. Jerked out of her trance, she found herself staring at her own reflection through a pair of crimson eyes. Its owner grinned, revealing rows of sharp teeth. The doglike form towered over the seated woman by at least a two meters. Huge paws armed with black claws flanked her.

"Dear god... " The woman cowered under her dark cloak. "Please... please don't eat me."

"Why not?" The beast slinked its body around the helpless woman. "A young, tender woman like you will make a delicious appetizer."

"But... but my husband..."

"Don't worry, my dear. He'll join you soon enough." The inu crouched its body to the ground, licking his chops. His pointed muzzle curled into a grin. "He will be the main course."

Slowly, the woman pushed herself to her feet. Her hood slipped from her head as she did so, and her braided ponytail whipped behind her in the wind. A deep frown marred her pale, round face. Violet eyes, once wide with horror, now narrowed into a glare.

"You want to look your hunter in the eyes before your death?" the inu asked. "Such dignity from a human is quite impressive."

"You fire-breeds don't know when to shut it," the woman sneered. "You can't even tell what's in front of you."


She lifted her bare arm from beneath her dark cloak and exposed a strange mark on her wrist. A violet aura emitted from the marking, shimmering in the darkness as it grew and morphed. Within seconds, it formed into a large violet axe.

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