Misdirected Stuff

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The wilted attention of an unrequited love is dark and filled with misdirected stuff

A galloping of heart and seclusion of mind

To be liked to be loved such a puzzle piece of mine

The weight of their eyes is the tip of my balance and I can't keep straight whenever they smile

To notice a flower in full bloom is easy

But a bud as I not so endearing

When admiration becomes a crush it's hard to stand with the force of lust

To go unnoticed as a bud in the shade is as painful as them not returning your gaze

A gaze of which could cause my death
Oh yes, love is a misdirected mess

it's a gorgeous diamond for there is much stress

A crazy feeling and much duress

I could say it's just a crush but... I know of such misdirected stuff

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