Secrets And Warnings

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I awoke to Sully kneading my arm, purring loudly as his pale green orbs were big with affection and love. I casted a glance over towards Dark, he was still asleep and snoring softly. His eyes covered by his arm as it stuck up while being relaxed, his other arm hugged to his chest as he was almost curled up into a ball. Slight drool drizzled both pillow and down the side of his parted lips, he was so peaceful it was almost hard to even tell it were him.. Besides looking different from Link but, you know what I mean.

My phone vibrated as I picked up my arm Sully was kneading, he walked forward and stared kneading my breast. I picked it up, sliding the call as I pressed it to my ear.

" Hey Maggie, I wanna talk with you face-to-face. It's.. Urgent." His voice was low, a few arguments echoed in the background.

" Can't you come tomorrow Jack? I've got company for awhile and I must get him settled in, he's from New York so I gotta help him try and fit in a bit so he'd not.. Standing out." I replied, still drunk on sleep.

He sighed " Fine but, you better be ready by tomorrow with your.. Friend. It'll shake you up, trust me.. Bye Maggie." He hung up.

I shut my phone off and set it down, sighing as Sully shifted, kneading me hard in the breast. " Sully, stop kneading my boob, it's really uncomfortable and it hurts." I complained, poking him in the nose as he sneezed. " Move Sully, Mama's gotta get you some food so you stop annoying me and trying to fucking make my boob bruise." I sat up, clutching my breast as it slightly ached.

" How attractive of you to grope your breast in front of me~" A husky voice spoke, sitting up as he playfully winked.

" Oh shut up, it's not like you never saw a woman's breasts before you perv." I teased, Sully yowling for his food as I sighed. " Calm Sul, it's not like I haven't fed you in three months." He yowled in reply, telling me to hurry-the-fuck-up-before-I-rip-your-eyes-out.

He frowned " Actually, I haven't.. Unless you'd like to show me~" He grinned pervertedly, I stood up. Walking up to him before I bent down and flicked him across the nose.

" I'm sowwy baby, you'll just have to find another woman to have sex with." I said in a baby tone, pressing my index finger to his lips as he raised an amused brow.

" I don't want sex babe, I just want you." He licked my finger, I grimaced before dragging it along his undershirt.

" Hmm, no. I'd love to join your little tea party but, I've got some homework to catch up on." I dead panned.

He grabbed my wrist before I could stand and threw me onto the air mattress, hovering over me with a smirk. " Your trapped doll face, now watcha gunna do bout that~?" He leaned forward and whispered into my ear, I smiled innocently as he pulled away and looked me in the eye.

" Hope you don't plan on making children anytime soon," I rammed my knee up to his crotch. " 'cause I believe you no longer can." I grinned as he rolled away while holding himself.

" Y-your a very c-c-clever woman Maggie.. V-very clever." He moaned.

I sat up, standing to my feet as Sully pawed at the door. I opened it as he darted out, I went down the staircase as his tail bobbed up and down. I went into the kitchen and opened one of the many cupboards, grabbing out a can of tuna as I shut the door. Sully jumped on to the counter as he sniffed at the can in my hand, I pulled open a drawer, taking out a can opener. Feeling arms wrap around from behind as a chin rested on my shoulder, I playfully rolled my eyes with a smile. Twisting the knob as the can lid ripped open, I pulled it off. Taking the tab and pulling it back until the lid was completely off, setting the can down as Sully began to eat.

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